Home » 2014 » January » 01
So you have started blogging and all of the sudden things have gotten hectic for you. You were blogging on a regular basis then, you just stopped. Days went by, then weeks and finally months. It's been a year since you have blogged. Your readers want to know what happened to you and why haven't you updated your blog in such a long time. No one is reading your blog anymore. A couple of your subscribers visit your blog from time to time just to see if anything has changed. Sadly, they go away utterly disappointed.

People can't believe this blog is as dead as a doorknob. It had so much potential everyone thought. Why would someone just stop writing? Everyone wants to know. You ask yourself that same question. Why did I stop updating my blog? You go through all of the reasons that you gave yourself. I didn't have the time. Everytime I sat down to write something always came up. I wasn't feeling well. I just didn't feel like writing that day. I got distracted. They went on and on and nothing seemed realistic. You realized that these were nonetheless excuses and now you want to get back in the saddle but by then all the other horses have rode out and left you. You are standing all alone the wind blew and you felt a freezing chill. What do I do now? How can I get back in the saddle? You immediately sit down at your desk, turn your computer on and login into your blogging account. It just seems so lonely, vacant and dead.

The first thing you do is look at the last date that you had blogged. It's definitely been a while you think to yourself. This is what you are going to do.

Don't Let Your Blog Die Ever Again

What were the reasons you stopped blogging in the first place? These questions must be answered in the first place. They are very vital before you move on. If you don't know why you stopped then, you will be more apt to stop again in the future.

Do You really Want to Reopen This Blog?

Sometimes it's just time to move on. Maybe you didn't like the topic that you were writing about. Maybe you didn't really know a lot about the topic or it was just boring to you. It happens sometimes we don't enjoy or like a topic that we are writing about.

Now, that we have gotten that out of the way it is time to get down to the nitty gritty of getting your blog back on the map. It's alive! It's alive! It's alive!

First, you should write a blog post saying that you will now be writing in your blog again. You should tell your readers the reasons why you haven't been updating your blog. Tell them the truth. They will understand. You must also promise them that this will not happen again and if you feel that you need to take a break you will let them know. You should look around your blog to see if you have any dead links or banners and remove them (you probably will because things tend to stop working when you haven't checked them in a while). If you do remove them promptly.

Get yourself on a writing schedule. Maybe last time you put too much on your plate and couldn't handle it. I believe writing once a week is a good start. I feel that gives your readers enough time to absorb the information that you are writing and it gives you time to promote your blog posts. By the time the next week rolls around you should know what you will be writing about. However, if you feel that you want to write more than once a week. By all means be my guest. Only you know what you are capable of doing.

If you are doing affiliate marketing you might want to join some companies that you really like. Sometimes in the blogging world we get caught up on what is working for someone else. Just because it's working for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you. Find affiliate programs that you enjoy and you would like to promote. It's like working a job. If you love what you do you do it better. The same can apply for bloggers/internet marketers as well. If you like what you promote you will promote it better. If you don't like something the negativity can set in real quick because you won't be seeing results. We can't simply let that happen the second time around.

Add a little humor to your blog posts. If you find something that is funny share it with your readers. I know sometimes people find different things funny. It can be a hit or miss situation but hey, we gotta take risks sometimes. LOL The worst that can happen is they don't think it's funny and they think you have lost two screws up in the head. Well, at least you laughed if no one else did. :)

Staying motivated is very important. You should read these two blog posts, "Why How You Think Is Vital To Your Business Success" and How Keeping A Journal Can Help You With Your Blogging". I know they have really helped me out a lot and I wanted to share them with you. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to stay motivated sometimes but we got to keep plugged in. Keep replenishing ourselves with positivity on a daily basis so the negativity won't creep in no matter what is happening.

Join communities to surround yourself with like minded bloggers. Having support is also another way of staying positive especially, if you are the only blogger/internet marketer in your family or community. Grab the support of the blogging sphere. I have started my own community right here: Come join me and tell others as well. Join Here: Introducing The Money To Be Made Community.

It's never too late to breathe life back into a dead blog. You may have lost some of your old readers but you can always gain them back or gain new ones. The key is not to let it happen again. If you decide not to reopen your blog some people may be disappointed but it's better to find something you enjoy to write about then keep on dragging your feet on something that you don't. Who knows? Maybe your readers will follow you into your next journey wherever that takes you. Having a blog is a commitment. It should be on your to do list. If it's not, then there is always the possiblilty that it could die again. We are trying to avoid that at all costs.

Do you have a blog that you would like to bring back to life? When you brought it back to life was it more successful than before? Or you ended up closing it all together? Let me know what you did in the comments below. I really want to know what you think? Do you have anymore tips on breathing life back into a dead blog? Share them in the comments below. If you found this blog post to be helpful please share it by using the social media buttons below. Thank you in advance!

Category: Blogging | Views: 2520 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-01-01 Comments