Home » 2014 » January » 08
  This is my 101 blog post. I was supposed to write this for my 100th blog post but my last blog post was my 100th blog post. Usually, when you reach your 100 blog post is when you celebrate. However, I didn't even notice it and had already written a blog post in that slot. Besides, it's never too late to celebrate an accomplishment.  I decided to go ahead and write it anyway. It's just one number before that. I am just so happy to reach this point. It is worth acknowledging it. Time is moving so fast. With all that I have been through blogging.

With me starting this blog over twice. Both was out of necessity. I could have given up and I'm glad I didn't. It's just not in my nature to quit. I can say I have truly found my home. I can't say that I have achieved all of my blogging goals yet but I do feel that I will. This is definitely an accomplishment that should be celebrated. So, I thought I would share it with you (my readers). I hope that it is an inspiration to start blogging if you haven't already or keep blogging if you have already started.

All I can say is that I am extremely happy at this moment. I feel that I have made it over one hurdle, even though I have many more to jump over. I just jump over them one at a time. I will get there I know I will. Thank you for reading this blog post and for being a reader of my blog. If you feel that this will help a fellow blogger out please share this blog post. Again thank you for reading and celebrating this achievement with me. Happy blogging! I would like to give a toast (with sparkling grape juice). To achieving all of our goals no matter what they may be!

Category: Blogging | Views: 1555 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-01-08 Comments