Social networks are places where you can socialize with people and share what you like, dislikes, and many other things. However, the most talked about one's are Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. There are many more but today I'm going to talk about five of them that I don't here too much about and they are some very good ones that have lots of features. Before, I get into that I wanted to ask you. What do you consider a good social network for your business? I haven't had much success with Facebook for my business as I use it mostly to keep in contact with family and friends. I know the reason that I haven't had much luck with Facebook as those people are not my target market. I know that I need to be utilizing social networks that can help me find that market for my business.
I have found five of them that I know that are beneficial to my business. They also have lots of features and tools that you can use for your business and to enhance your social experience. I know sometimes it can be a little overwhelming trying to socialize in so many social networks. It can really get exhausting sometimes. You don't have to tell me about it because I already know. Here are five very good social networks that you should be using:
Apsense is a business social network. Come here and socialize with like-minded individuals. They also have many tools that will help you market your business.They have what you call an add-on service. This is where you can add each action that you would like to perform which are: creating groups, writing articles, asking a question, creating an enzine, making a revpage etc. You won't annoy anyone talking about your business here. They have so many tools to help your promote your business too. They have a an affiliate rewards program too. You are automatically enrolled once you join. This is definitely the place to be. Become a member of this awesome social network and start using these awesome tools.
ViralNetworks is a complete social networking system. It has many features and benefits which are: building a list, broadcast mailings, sharing your knowledge, publish videos, and promoting your websites. There are a lot of successful internet marketer's in this social network that you can connect with. Join and start connecting.
Sokule is a micro blogging social media site. It's features include: pinging, posting messages to more than one social network at the same time, people can track you and you can send them a welcome message, etc. However, you have to be upgraded to use a lot of their features. If you upgrade you will get paid up to 50% commission. It's still a nice social community to be a part of.
Yakamore is also a micro blogging site. It's features include: posting on Yak and Sokule, auto list building, trackers from Sokule, 180 characters posts 3 posts a day change background page colors and earning 10% commission. There are also many more features for upgraded members. Join this social community to help grow your business.
These are all some very good social networks to be involved in. It's great to be able to share and network what you have learned and also continue your journey of learning by expanding your knowledge. All of these social networks are great places to do that. Join all of them and start sharing, learning and networking. Always remain respectable when you join and do not spam your opportunities. Remember no one likes a spammer. Get in there and get involved and start utilizing the many tools and resources these social networks have to offer.