Keeping a journal can help you with your blogging. What do you want to accomplish with your blog? Do you want to gain more readers? How about get more traffic? These are some of the things that you can write in your journal. First, you should write at the beginning of your journal that this will be your blogging journal. That way you can stay focused on your blogging goals. Would you like to be a better writer? What niche would you be writing about? How do you get traffic? How much traffic would you like to get? These are all things you can write about in your journal.
Once your blog starts taking off. You can write down how many comments that you received and who left them. Also, in your blogging journal you should write down your progress each month. How many blog post would you like to write a week? One, two, or three. I think it's best to start out with at least once a week. That way you aren't putting too much pressure on yourself and at the same time it's a good time span for your readers to get a new blog post from you.
You can also write in your journal the improvements that you want to make. What could you have done better or what needs to be worked on? This way you won't get bored. There are always things that you can get information. Maybe you want to make money with your blog, learn more about internet marketing or affiliate marketing. These are all goals that should be written down. If you find out about some good websites that can help you with these goals write them down and bookmark them. I made the mistake of not writing down a good website about affiliate marketing and I forgot all about it. I am just now remembering it and it's been a couple of years.
Make sure you take notes on what you are learning from different websites or your favorite bloggers. That way you can go over them later on. You can keep a journal for many of your other interests too, but they should be separate. That way, you can keep all of your thoughts on different topics organized. Keep a mini journal on you at all times. That way you can just jot down all of the good ideas that come to you and save them for later.
Blogging is a lot like keeping a journal instead of your thoughts being private they are public because you are sharing them with the world. Keeping a journal is a lot of fun. It's fun to write down all the things that you would like to do with your blog and all the endless opportunities that you have. Plus, it's nice to be able to look back at how far you have come. You see all the things that at one time you wanted to accomplish and now they are realities. The more you accomplish the more you want to accomplish until you have achieved all of your goals.
Maybe this is your first time keeping a journal. You might like it so much that you may want to keep journals on other interests that you have. Maybe you are an avid reader and you would like to keep a book journal or maybe you would like to monitor your weight by starting a weight loss journal. You might thought you didn't like writing but you may find that you do and you are good at it too. I would like for you to check out,"The Writing Personal Journals" page. If you are new to keeping a journal or want to find different kinds of journals this page has some awesome journals. You want to get started right away on your blogging journal. "The Writing Personal Journals" page will help you find a journal to get you started and it also has some great tips on the benefits of keeping a journal.