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We've all heard it before the way you think is what manifests in your life. Is this something that we truly believe? Can it really be that easy? Many times we tell ourselves that it can't be. With that thought in our minds we have already set the precedent that it can't be and it won't be. When in fact it really truly is. We have all been guilty of having a negative mindset at one time or the other ( I know I have been). We have to reverse this negative thinking and we have to do it fast. Why? Because it stopping us from being all that we can be.  The question we ask ourselves is, "How can I go about getting rid of this negative mindset?" It is nothing wrong with getting help.  The Magic Of Thinking Big is definitely the help that you need to change from negative to positive so that you can start achieving the things that you would like to do.

This is an excellent book! I am reading it again for the third time. It has helped me overcome my fear of people (as I used to be very shy). I was so shy that sometimes I wouldn't ask questions or I would never be the first one to introduce myself. Once I started utilizing the instructions in this book it went away completely. This book is a guide to help you overcome negative things that have held you back for so many years.

In this book you will not only get results it gives you step by step instructions that you can put into practice. In it there are situations that everyone can relate to. Dr. Schwartz gives you checklists that you can use to help you identify the problem and gives you the solution you need to solve it. That's why I absolutely love this book. Sometimes you read books but they don't give you a solution to your problems but The Magic Of Thinking Big does.

You might be thinking, "How can this book help me because I am an internet marketer/blogger?" It can help you have the mindset that you need to have in order to be successful in what you do. No matter what business you are in you have to stay motivated and stay positive.  You also have to be confident in what you do because there are many people who would love to help you give in to negative thinking. In a chapter of this book is called," Cure Yourself Of Excusitis, The Failure Disease". In it he discusses people who are always making excuses not to do things and because they always have an excuse they don't get anything done. Maybe we all have made excuses not to do something at one time or the other or we know someone who is always making excuses not to do something. He also helps you combat it and how to avoid it altogether.

This book covers:

  • Believing in yourself
  • Stop making excuses and start doing
  • Help with overcoming fear
  • How to build confidence
  • Having a positive attitude
  • How  to avoid negative thinking
  • How to think big
  • How to take action
  • How to use goals to help you grow
  • How to think like a leader

We have all had times where things may not be going like we would like them to and in those times it can become easy to fall prey to negative thinking. The Magic Of Thinking Big will help you get through those tough times and keep you focused.

Have you read,"
The Magic Of Thinking Big?" If you do not have a copy of this book I suggest you Click Here and get your copy today! This is a book that you can use as a reference and read over and over again! It can really help make a difference in your life! It has definitely made one in mine!

Category: Self-Development | Views: 2217 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-07-14 Comments