Here is a list of Freeadboards you can start using right now:
As you can see there are many benefits to using Freeadboards. It's fun and you get traffic! Don't just believe me find out for yourself. You can also browse other members ads too. You never know you might find something that you are interested in. If you would like to advertise your blog, twitter page and 10 of your Top #10 affiliate programs you will find this tool to be helpful. It's called MyViralAffiliateSite. You can get your own MyviralAffiliateSite and advertise it at Freeadboards and classified sites. You may have other advertising sites that you use you can also use it at those too. It makes it a lot easier to do your advertising. Instead of advertising many things at the same time you can use your MyViralAffiliateSite and advertise that only one link instead of many.
What do you do now? The only thing left for you to do is get your own MyViralaffiliate site then join all of the Freeadboard sites above and start posting your ads. Remember, it is best if you post everyday or every other day. Consistency is the key.
This is just another way that can help you get traffic and get the word out about your blog/sites and affiliate programs. Go ahead and give them a try. You have nothing to lose but money and traffic and we don't want to lose any of those.
![]() If you have more than one site make sure the site that you are going to represent the affiliate program with is the one that they see. You can select the site's url in a menu list for your sites. Make sure that is selected. This could be the reason that they have denied you in the first place, because you have site selected for their affiliate program. This is an easy mistake to make but it can cost you to be denied for affiliate programs that you have applied for. What To Do If You Have Already Been Denied? Just because you have been denied doesn't mean that it can't be overturned. Go to the advertisers site in your affiliate networks account and click on it. There you will see an email and the affiliate managers name. Email him or her and explain your situation. Tell them that you really would like to join their affiliate program and the reason why you think that you have been denied is because they think that your site wouldn't be a good fit for their affiliate program. Explain to them that this is not the case. Send them your blog or website's url so that they can see what your site looks like and the details of it. Make sure that you include your accounts number in the email. It is usually at the top of the page and is a 7 digit number. They need this number to approve you into their affiliate program and it really cuts down on the time and they won't have to email you again and ask you for it. Tell them that you are sorry for the misunderstanding and that you are really looking forward to working with them and you hope to be an affiliate for them very soon. Usually, in less than a week you will hear from them. I have done this myself on more than one occasion and needless to say I always get approved for the affiliate program that I was denied for. I was denied for Zappo's and Ebags as you can see why because they thought this site wasn't a good fit for their affiliate program. It isn't, but I wanted to join their affiliate program for my other site where I talked about handbags. So, if you do get denied don't accept that it is forever. I started doing this because there were affiliate programs that I really wanted to join and I couldn't find a whole lot of alternatives for them (trust me I looked). So, being denied wasn't an option. Luckily, it all worked out. If you do this and they don't overturn it don't sweat it. In life you win some and you lose some. Have you ever been denied when you applied for an affiliate program? What did you do about it? If so how many times did you apply? I would really like to know what you did and how did it effect your online marketing? Please leave your comments below. I really look forward to reading them. |
Unhappy Man in... Buy This at Whether you are a new or veteran blogger it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. As bloggers we are constantly trying to come up with fresh new content on a daily basis and keep our blogs interesting for our readers. It can be overwhelming to the point that you can even entertain the idea of quitting. Many people start blogs and they quit before they get started. Why? Because it is not as easy as they thought it would be. Let's face it blogging is hard work. Especially, if you don't know the right way to go about it and have not been given good advice. It's way more to blogging then just writing a couple of blog posts and throwing up some ads. It's a process and it does take time. Even, if you like writing you still have to learn how to blog. It's not something that you learn overnight. A blog is not like your diary even though people compare blogs to diaries. Usually, a diary is private and it is usually handwritten. It's not something you have to run. If you decide to abandon it. No one will really care. Why? Because no one knows about but you. However, with a blog it is public (although you can make it private it's usually not). You have opened it up to the world and you have to keep it updated with good content. You have to engage your readers and overall keep up the maintenance of your blog/site. Plus, you have to continually find ways to get traffic to your site. One can easily get discouraged before they even realize it. However, there are somethings we can do before they get to this point below: 1. Don't Compare Yourself To Other Bloggers If you are comparing yourselves to other bloggers all the time it will hard for you to stay focused on your blog. They might of been blogging longer than you and have had more experience. You can't worry about what someone else is doing. You have to focus on yourself and your needs. What do you need to do to take your blog to the next level? You can't do this if you are always comparing your blog to someone else's It's okay to admire someone else's success but you don't know what all they had to go through to get there. Focus on your blogging goals and learn from your mistakes and continue to increase your knowledge about internet marketing and blogging and you will get where you want to be. 2. Don't Set Your Expectations Too High When we set our expectations too high we are setting ourselves up for failure. It's much better to set small achievable goals than great big ones in the beginning. As I said before it's a learning process and you have to give yourself room to learn and make mistakes. Take baby steps. Do a little bit of something everyday and then apply it. Plus, it makes us feel really bad when we set our expectations too high and then, can't fulfill them. This is what we are trying to avoid at all costs. 3. Don't Put Too Much On Your Plate If you are putting too much on your plate this can cause you to have feelings of being overwhelmed. We all know when we get overwhelmed how it makes us feel. You will not feel like doing what needs to be done if you are feeling overwhelmed. You will do the exact opposite. Don't schedule 10 things that need to be done but you only have 5 minutes. This is not going to help your situation any and you will still have things to do. See how to schedule your time successfully and how it truly can make a difference. 4. Don't Follow Every Blogger You Read It's okay to read more than one blog and have more than one favorite blogger. However, if the blogs you are reading are in the same niche you need to pick which ones will be your mentor. However, if they are in a different niche it is cool to have more than one mentor but I think you should still put a limit on it. I would say the limit should be three. It's hard to take advice from so many different people and it is more hard to apply all of it. You will end up feeling confused. Besides, you will just keep going around in circles and not getting much of anything done. 5. Don't Focus On Making Money Right Away Now this is a killer right here. This is the reason why so many bloggers end up feeling discouraged and then quitting. I'm not saying you can't make money with your blog but you shouldn't put all of your attention on that right away. I think you should focus on writing good content and having a place that your readers can come to learn, discuss and share. Thinking about money can sometimes blind you to what is most important and our blogs will start to show it. It's a fast track way to get you on the path to writing a spam blog and believe me, no one wants that. 6. Pick A Topic That You Will Enjoy Writing About I know that you probably have heard this many times but I just want to reinforce how important this is. When you like what you are writing about it shows. People can tell if you are not happy writing about something. Plus, it becomes hard for you to write about it on a continual basis. It's like working a job that you hate. It's worse because you are writing. When we write our feelings are on display because we write how we feel. If you really hate what you are writing about it will eventually show. I wouldn't ever write about golf. Why? Because I find it absolutely boring. Write about something that you like and can get excited about. It will show. I hope that you found these 6 Ways Not To Get Discouraged helpful. Have you ever felt discouraged? Do you feel discouraged now? What is making you feel that way? Are you thinking about quitting blogging? Please leave me a comment below explaining how you feel and what is causing you to feel that way. |
As you can see there are benefits in joining Linkreferral I can honestly say that I have received some really helpful feedback. You may have noticed the improvements that have taken place here at Money To Be Made and that is exactly why I made those improvements. I'm grateful and thankful because I want my site to be the best it can be. Sometimes, you may not get helpful feedback but don't be discouraged because there are going to be people who abuse good things. However, what you do is you leave quality and helpful feedback. If it's more people leaving quality feedback then, the good will outweigh the bad. I also have found some good blogs and websites from this site. Remember, the site work if you utilize it. If you don't participate then you won't see results. That is just plain old common sense. So, try to login in everyday if possible and review sites.
As you probably know I am using Disqus comment system. Everything was going well until I noticed that my comments were not being counted. I had six comments for a particular blog post and it was showing 0 comments. I immediately contacted Disqus. They sent me to the comment count code page. However, I had installed the comment count code but it was in the wrong place. Also, I was finding it very difficult to append the disqus_thread to my href link. I did not understand what they were talking about because Ucoz's code is different from what I was used to it looking like. I searched relentlessly online for some help. The only thing that came up was help with blogger or wordpress. Neither was beneficial to me. I was extremely frustrated. I asked for help through Ucoz's support forum and I was able to get the help that I needed. I wanted to share this to save someone all the trouble and frustration that I went through. It's really not that hard.
First, you have to add the code below at the bottom of your blog main page right before closing the </body> The blog main page is considered the index page. Make sure you change the disqus_shortname with your forum name login to Disqus and click on settings. There you will find your forum name highlighted in pink. In the code replace 'example' with your disqus shortname. Click save.
Go to blog - Appearance of entries find this code | <a href="$COMMENTS_URL$">Comments ($COMMENTS_NUM$)</a> and change to this <a href="$ENTRY_URL$#disqus_thread">Comments</a> Click save. That's it! Your done! Your comment count link will now display your correct number count. I saw help all over the internet for help with this with other blogging platforms but nothing for Ucoz. So, if you are thinking about using Disqus with your Ucoz blog/site just know that you can! |
The Only 12 1/2... Buy This at You have started your blog. You might even have more than one blog. It can be a daunting task to have lots of blogs on different topics. You find that you would like to write about different topics but you don't want to have too many different blogs. However, if you are writing about a specific topic and you start writing about another topic that does not pertain to your blog's topic, you run the risk of losing your blog's readers. Your blog readers come to your blog because they want to read about what you have been writing about all along. They do not want to read about about you growing vegetables in your summer garden. So, what do you do?
If you are a blogger you probably have more than one interest and you would like to write about and at the same time you don't want to have to maintain hundreds of blogs. Maybe, you just want to write one page and that's it! You don't want to have to continually look up information on a certain topic everyday. You just want to write about: gardening, crocheting, your favorite restaurants, your favorite appliances, sewing, etc. You are doing something else that you like to do and you just want to share it with the world. I have two blogs ( I just reopened my natural health blog) and I must say it is a lot of work to keep them up. However, I have other interests that I like to write about but I don't want to lose you all (my reader's) because I don't think it would be fair. After all, internet marketing/blogging is what this blog is all about. However, I have many things that I like to do and I do want to write about them. I love writing and it doesn't stop with my two blogs. To answer the above question. You can write at article writing directories and writing platforms. I myself prefer writing platforms because they allow you to share what you like. For instance, if you are writing about kitchen-aids. You can list the actual products through Amazon because they allow you to use Amazon modules. You can even make some money if someone purchases the product through your page. Also you can really make the pages your own by using widgets and modules. Play around with html. There is so much you can do! However, if you just want to write about an informational article you can write for article directories. I would highly recommend you treat those writing platforms just as you would treat your blog. Give them the same courtesy you give your blog by writing good content. With that being said. Have fun! Writing is supposed to be fun! This way you won't get bored but at the same time you won't lose your blog readers. It's a win win situation. You won't lose interest because you will have another outlet and because you have another outlet it keeps your writing fresh and you will continually provide your readers with the content they love to read. Now, you might see something that you would like to write about or you may just be happy to write in your blog or blogs! Just keep writing! Where can you write at these article directories or writing platforms. I am going to mention to you the ones I write at and some of them I haven't written at but they seem to be good writing places. Writing Platforms
Article Writing Directories
There you have it! This is how you can keep on writing without disturbing your writing flow at your blog. |
Buy This at I have two favorite topics that I love blogging about and internet marketing is one of them. I believe I love blogging about internet marketing so much is because the choices you have are endless. I mean everyone who blogs and I don't care what topic you are blogging about you need internet marketing. Whether you are blogging about fashion, health, environment, etc. You still need to learn things such as: 1. How to get traffic to your blog. 2. How to promote your blog. 3.What tools and resources to use. 4. How to do affiliate marketing All of these things you learn through internet marketing. When you are blogging about internet marketing you are providing content for people from all over the blogosphere. I think it's safe to say that you have a large target audience. I love finding out about a tool and sharing it with all of my reader's. In fact, I am always on the lookout to find something that I can use and share. If I wasn't an internet marketer I wouldn't know half as much as I do about online marketing. There are so many tools and resources you can use. There is something for everybody. I know some people are good at seo (that's something I'm still working on) but there are other marketing techniques that you can use. Although I do think seo is one of the best ways to get traffic because it is search engine traffic. However, it is not the only way to get traffic. When you blog about internet marketing the possibilities are limitless. Everyone can use the information you share about internet marketing. The bottom line is if you are doing business online you need to know how to do internet marketing. I could of chosen many topics to write about ( I do write about other topics as well). However, if my main niche wasn't about internet marketing it would be hard for me to share these tools and resources without going off topic. I also don't believe in putting all my eggs in one basket. I use many methods to help me get traffic and promote my site and other programs that I am a member of. I also believe that there are other bloggers who like me don't put all of their eggs in one basket either and would also like to know about these different marketing methods. The Money To Be Made blog is the home blog as I call it. I love blogging period! I think anyone who comes to this blog can see that but blogging about internet is one of my all time favorite topics. These are the reasons that I decided to blog about internet marketing and chose it as one of my niches. Are you a blogger/internet marketer? Is internet marketing your favorite topic to blog about? Why did you choose internet marketing as your topic? Please share your comments. I really look forward to reading them! |
![]() Are you having problems getting your comments approved? When you leave comments does the blogger seems to always delete them? Then, maybe you need to change up your game. No one likes their blog to look unprofessional and definitely not spammy. Here are some do's and don'ts when you leave blog comments: Do's
People get to know you through your comments. You are also branding yourself when you leave comments. If you are known as a comment spammer. How do you think that is going to make you look? You will be giving yourself a bad reputation. Generally, bloggers don't like to delete comments (I know I don't) but you give them no choice when you leave a comment that is spammy. It makes you look bad and it makes the bloggers blog look spammy. It's not about you all the time. Think about what you are doing and how you are making someone else's blog look. If you didn't know how to leave a decent comment now you do, because I have just given you all the components of leaving a good comment. If you have someone that is spamming your blog with bad comments send them this blog post to read! |