At the top of my blog page (click on Mtbm Blog in the site menu) in the left hand corner you will see a green and white button that says Vu, you can't miss it.  Click on it and register. You can do it with your email or your social media sites. What it will do is make it easier for you to find the content on my page that you would like to read. It also makes recommendations. Vu is a customized personal recommendation system just for you.

You can enjoy Vu anywhere. This is another great tool that you can add to your sites to make it easy for your readers to find what they are looking for. The easier you make it for them to find the content on your site the longer they will stay. I like the fact that Vu is making it easy for my readers to find the content they would like to read. I want my readers to have a great experience when they come to my website and have a reason to keep coming back over and over again.

If you are also looking for content to read yourself and you want to make it easy for your readers to find your content that they want to read. Sign up with Vu and add the button to your site. This is an excellent tool to utilize. I am so excited about using Vu. We all want to see the content that we love to read in a better Vu! Have this tool on your site especially for your readers. It is your give to them!

Please register for Vu. Then, tell me how you like it. Do you think that it made it easier for you to find the content on my page that you would like to read?

Category: Blogging | Views: 3256 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-03-02 Comments

Sharing Love
When someone leaves a comment on my blog, I usually reciprocate the favor. It's one of many ways that I have found interesting blogs to read. Sometimes I leave comments on other bloggers blogs, but only one blogger so far has visited my blog after leaving a comment on many bloggers blogs. Maybe they are getting so many comments that they don't have time to check out another bloggers blog? Well, I think they are missing out on potential great blogs to read. If you don't check a blog out you don't know if you are going to like it or not. This is not a rant. It's just a question that I wanted to know what my fellow bloggers thought about.

In my opinion you can't really have too many blogs to read. I am always looking for more good blogs to read. I don't get many comments on this blog, but when I do. I make sure that I check out that blogger's blog, and leave a comment. To say,"Thank you" for visiting my blog and then I leave a comment that pertains to the topic that they are talking about. I usually will check out their blogs from time to time as some bloggers are new commenters. I hadn't known about their blogs until they left a comment on mine.

However, I see a lot of bloggers don't do that, and I think they are really missing out on discovering new blogs to read. Also, I like to leave comments on fellow bloggers that don't receive a lot of comments too. I remember when I started my natural health blog. I started blogging in January 2006 and I didn't receive a comment on that blog until August 2006. I was so elated to receive my first comment. It was pure joy. I thought to myself. Someone has finally found my blog online! So, I like to do the same for other bloggers as well.So, I ask the question. Do you share blog love?
Category: Blogging | Views: 2823 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-02-21 Comments

3-Ring Binder Mini Tyvek Mighty Wallet

Keeping a journal can help you with your blogging. What do you want to accomplish with your blog? Do you want to gain more readers? How about get more traffic? These are some of the things that you can write in your journal. First, you should write at the beginning of  your journal that this will be your blogging journal. That way you can stay focused on your blogging goals. Would you like to be a better writer? What niche would you be writing about? How do you get traffic? How much traffic would you like to get? These are all things you can write about in your journal.

Once your blog starts taking off. You can write down how many comments that you received and who left them. Also, in your blogging journal you should write down your progress each month. How many blog post would you like to write a week? One, two, or three. I think it's best to start out with at least once a week. That way you aren't putting too much pressure on yourself and at the same time it's a good time span for your readers to get a new blog post from you.

You can also write in your journal the improvements that you want to make. What could you have done better or what needs to be worked on? This way you won't get bored. There are always things that you can get information. Maybe you want to make money with your blog, learn more about internet marketing or affiliate marketing. These are all goals that should be written down. If you find out about some good websites that can help you with these goals write them down and bookmark them. I made the mistake of not writing down a good website about affiliate marketing and I forgot all about it. I am just now remembering it and it's been a couple of years.

Make sure you take notes on what you are learning from different websites or your favorite bloggers. That way you can go over them later on. You can keep a journal for many of your other interests too, but they should be separate. That way, you can keep all of your thoughts on different topics organized. Keep a mini journal on you at all times. That way you can just jot down all of the good ideas that come to you and save them for later.

Blogging is a lot like keeping a journal instead of your thoughts being private they are public because you are sharing them with the world. Keeping a journal is a lot of fun. It's fun to write down all the things that you would like to do with your blog and all the endless opportunities that you have. Plus, it's nice to be able to look back at how far you have come. You see all the things that at one time you wanted to accomplish and now they are realities. The more you accomplish the more you want to accomplish until you have achieved all of your goals.

Maybe this is your first time keeping a journal. You might like it so much that you may want to keep journals on other interests that you have. Maybe you are an avid reader and you would like to keep a book journal or maybe you would like to monitor your weight by starting a weight loss journal. You might thought you didn't like writing but you may find that you do and you are good at it too. I would like for you to check out,"The Writing Personal Journals" page. If you are new to keeping a journal or want to find different kinds of journals this page has some awesome journals. You want to get started right away on your blogging journal. "The Writing Personal Journals" page will help you find a journal to get you started and it also has some great  tips on the benefits of keeping a journal.


Category: Blogging | Views: 2521 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-01-24 Comments

I started using Grovo a couple of months ago. I was searching on Google for some help with mailchimp and I came across their site. I immediately signed up and started taking a lesson. Grovo is an online training company. You can get training for various websites. I consider myself to be very tech savvy. However, with things changing so fast and so many websites coming out each and every day it can be very hard to stay up to date. That's one of the reasons I have been using Grovo.

Even if youare not a tech savvy person you can still use Grovo. The interface is very easy to use. The lessons are given to you on videos. It is a very hands online learning program. After each lesson there is a quiz that you take. If you cannot complete a lesson you can just pick up where you left off. If you score 90% or more on a quiz you can become certified in that course. You can download the certification or post it to your social networks.

You can also set goals for yourself. For instance, if you want to create your own blog they will help you learn to use a variety of tools to help you do so. It's nice to be able to go somewhere online that will help you stay updated an even help you with your online goals. This is also very helpful in helping you stay organized.

There is so much to learn and many times you want to learn quickly. With Grovo you can get the help that you need right now. It is frustrating when you need help and you can't get it right away. Grovo gets you the help that you need right now. You don't have to be searching all over the internet looking at this site and that site for help. All the information that you need is covered in the lessons.

Many businesses use Grovo but even if you are not a business owner you will find it just as helpful. If you are in the online world Grovo is something that I recommend you use. There is an upgrade option called Grovo premium and it costs $9 a month or $99 annually; both plans include a free trial. Group pricing is also available.

Right now, I am taking a lesson for Quora. I didn't know that they had so many features. Many times I learn to use some features but not all. Grovo helps you learn to use all the features so you can really get the full potential out of the sites that you are using. It's fun and helpful all at the same time.

Grovo also recommends sites that they think that you would find helpful and they include: Facebook, Evernote, Wordpress, Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube and many many more! I hear a lot of people online always asking for help for these sites. Now, you can get the help that you need.

There are so many features that this site offers. I can't mention them all here because this blog post will be way too long. You will just have to signup and start using it yourself.

I would like to know if you are already using Grovo and if you are how do you like it? Did you find it helpful as an online resource? Have you recommended it to your online colleagues? Or if you have a business is Grovo what you use for your online training?


Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1509 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-01-17 Comments


Social networks are places where you can socialize with people and share what you like, dislikes, and many other things. However, the most talked about one's are Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. There are many more but today I'm going to talk about five of them that I don't here too much about and they are some very good ones that have lots of features. Before, I get into that I wanted to ask you. What do you consider a good social network for your business? I haven't had much success with Facebook for my business as I use it mostly to keep in contact with family and friends. I know the reason that I haven't had much luck with Facebook as those people are not my target market. I know that I need to be utilizing social networks that can help me find that market for my business.

I have found five of them that I know that are beneficial to my business. They also have lots of features and tools that you can use for your business and to enhance your social experience. I know sometimes it can be a little overwhelming trying to socialize in so many social networks. It can really get exhausting sometimes. You don't have to tell me about it because I already know. Here are five very good social networks that you should be using:

Apsense is a business social network. Come here and socialize with like-minded individuals. They also have many tools that will help you market your business.They have what you call an add-on service. This is where you can add each action that you would like to perform which are: creating groups, writing articles, asking a question, creating an enzine, making a revpage etc. You won't annoy anyone talking about your business here. They have so many tools to help your promote your business too. They have a an affiliate rewards program too. You are automatically enrolled once you join. This is definitely the place to be. Become a member of this awesome social network and start using these awesome tools.



ViralNetworks is a complete social networking system. It has many features and benefits which are: building a list, broadcast mailings, sharing your knowledge, publish videos, and promoting your websites. There are a lot of successful internet marketer's in this social network that you can connect with. Join and start connecting.

Sokule is a micro blogging social media site. It's features include: pinging, posting messages to more than one social network at the same time, people can track you and you can send them a welcome message, etc. However, you have to be upgraded to use a lot of their features. If you upgrade you will get paid up to 50% commission. It's still a nice social community to be a part of.

Yakamore is also a micro blogging site. It's features include: posting on Yak and Sokule, auto list building, trackers from Sokule,  180 characters posts 3 posts a day change background page colors and earning 10% commission. There are also many more features for upgraded members. Join this social community to help grow your business.

These are all some very good social networks to be involved in. It's great to be able to share and network what you have learned and also continue your journey of learning by expanding your knowledge. All of these social networks are great places to do that. Join all of them and start sharing, learning and networking. Always remain respectable when you join and do not spam your opportunities. Remember no one likes a spammer. Get in there and get involved and start utilizing the many tools and resources these social networks have to offer.


Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 2206 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-01-03 Comments

 Dear Readers,

Please take the time to fill out the poll below. It is very important to me to know what my reader's think about this website/blog and it will help me provide better information. Also, please leave comments below about what aspect you think this blog is helpful in. Thank you for your participation! I appreciate it!

Category: Blogging | Views: 1425 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2012-12-27 Comments


The fight against spam is an ever-going battle. Even if you don't have problems with spam you still want to keep your email organized. When you signup for different newsletters or mailing lists. These can cause your email to become very unorganized and before you know it your email has become very cluttered. Or if you use list builders. We all know that with list builders they send out lots of email continually which can really overtake your email account in a matter of minutes. It can become quite the messy experience.

I know from experience because I have more than one email account. You have different emails for all of your blogs or websites. You have different emails because you want somethings coming here and somethings coming there. It can be quite the headache. If the spammers get a hold of your email than that's all she wrote. It's just a constant battle to keep your email organized and spam free.

That's why I started using viralinbox. I did not realize how powerful this tool is. You can have a main mail box but you can also make boxes for all of your mail subscriptions, newsletters, list builders and anything you need one for. Viralinbox is just like a regular email and you can have everything you have with one such as a signature and address book. If you make a box and you do not need it anymore or if someone is spamming you all you have to do is delete it. An example of a box you can make is This is also a list builder too! I have cleaned up the clutter in my email dramatically using viralinbox. I had signed up sometime ago but I never really used it until now. This will do wonders for your business.

ViralinBox comes with a list builder that allows you to build a 5 to 8 levels deep downline, and earn above industry-average commissions of every upgraded referral you make: up to a whopping 55%! You will even earn additional storage space for your emails every time you refer a member, up to an INSANE 50,000 MB of storage space! You will NEVER have to delete an email again!

You can even promote and advertise your business for free!

This is something that anyone doing business online should be using. Doing business online should be easy and using Viralinbox makes it a whole lot easier. Not using Viralinbox! I'm not going to lie! You should be! You already have a yahoo account or gmail account! They don't have the features for your business that Viralinbox does! Viralinbox. Get your own Viralinbox today! Don't be like me and wait too long to start using this great tool! Don't leave here without making your own Viralinbox account.

Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1874 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2012-12-13 Comments

Illustration of Global Reach or the Concept of Doing Business Globally Via the Internet
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There are a lot of products on the internet. How do you know which one's are good and which ones are not? That is a very tricky question. You need to be able to decipher what is truly a scam. Many people say they have encountered a scam, when actually they haven't. They may didn't utilize a program correctly. However, you can find out what your needs may or may not be by reading another person's reviews. It's good to be able to find out what another person thought of a program before you purchase it. However, regardless of what someone might say you are going to have to make the final decision.

The problem many people face is where can they find good reviews about internet marketing programs? It's really hard because everyone is selling something and you want a honest review. Am I correct? Most definitely. You want a review from someone just like you. Someone who has actually purchased the program and used it. For better or for worse. There is no reason to be scammed these days. Imreportcard will help you not get scammed. There you can read people's honest reviews. I have utilized this site many times myself.

While you there you can even share your own reviews about different internet marketing programs that you have purchased. Read reviews about not only internet programs but also internet gurus as well. Imreportcard is a site that everyone should know about and utilize. Pass this on to everyone your know such as your blog readers or anyone who is interested in internet marketing. Make Imreportcard your go to site for internet reviews.

Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1205 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2012-11-29 Comments

Mr. Rebates

Mrrebates you can earn cash back when you shop online. It's free to join! I know I do a lot of reading and I love to earn cash back shopping at my favorite bookstore which is I spend a lot of time online. So, it's just easier to do a lot of my shopping online. I'm sure you feel the same way.To get started with Mrrebates first register. Than go to the allstores page or browse by categories or you can search for your favorite store in the search box.

  • After you have clicked a cash back store, make sure you complete the purchase in that same click session to insure the cash back rebate is credited to your account.
  • Do not click or surf to other discount, coupon or comparison shopping websites after clicking through to a store as cash back rebate tracking can be lost if store links are clicked on other websites and a cash back rebate will not be credited to your account.
  • Rebates are credited to your Mr. Rebates account usually within 1-35 business days of the ship date of your order although the wait time does vary from store to store. You will receive a confirmation email when the rebate is credited.
  • After $10 in Available Rebates are accrued to your account, you can request either a rebate check be sent to a postal address location or rebate payment via Paypal.
Join Mrrebates  today and start earning cash back at your favorite stores!

Category: Business | Views: 1255 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2012-11-22 Comments

It is very important to build a list, but you need an autoresponder if you are going to build one. They can be very costly. Some of the most prominent name brands are aweber and trafficwave. If you have been wanting to get an autoresponder now you can with List wire. It is absolutely free. There are no hidden costs. If you already have an autoresponder and you are happy with it, no one is asking you to leave it, but if you don't have an autoresponder than this is absolutely what you have been looking for. Don't let free fool you. It has many great features. To name a few: followups messages, broadcast messages, traffic builder ads, and send messages either text or html.

You get all of this absolutely free! So, if you have been wanting to get a good autoresponder, but it just wasn't in your budget than you can take advantage of Listwire today. Many times we don't take action because it is something standing in our way. For many people it is a big price tag. You have no excuses not to get a great autoresponder. The price tag has been removed. What am I talking about? It wasn't even there to begin with.

I also have gotten my own free autoresponder. Just take a look on my sidebar. There you will see my subscription form. You can't miss it. While your over there. Go ahead and subscribe to my mailing list. So you won't miss out on even more great things to come here at Money To Be Made. I'm telling you, you would be crazy not to go ahead and get your free autoresponder with list wire today, and start building your list. I have seen so many people online looking for free autoresponders. Today you can stop looking and start building your list with List Wire. Stop wishing and start building.

List Wire - Get Your Free Autoresponder
Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1213 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2012-11-22 Comments

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