Another example would be if you are a seamstress and you have a sewing blog. You won't accept clients that don't want to pay for certain projects. You will tell them upfront on your blog that projects that require a lot of work have to be charged accordingly and if they don't want to pay then, they will have to find someone else for their sewing project. This cuts down on a lot of confusion and headaches. This way you are not wasting time and you have more time for the people who you want as clients instead of the people you don't. People can make a decision right then and there if they want to do business with you or if they want to stay and look around your site.
You don't have to say a whole lot. You can keep it simple and straight to the point. I highlighted the words in the example on my own site so you could see that it wasn't wordy or lengthy. However, it was very clear on what you will not be getting when you come to my site. The reason why I think this is so important is because you want the people who visit your site to know that they will be getting good content. Especially, more so because there is a whole lot of not good content online. This way, it makes it easier for the right people to find you. No one wants to waste their time. I think it's just as important for your site to say what it doesn't offer as much as it does.
Maybe you are not really sure on what your blog is not about. One way to find out is if you get repeated emails or questions on social media asking for certain things that your blog is not about. Another example would be if you offer services and people keep asking do you offer these particular services for free. You can tell them that these particular services are not free and you will let them know if and when you decide to offer something for free.
We want our visitors to be happy and to know what they will be getting but also know what they won't be getting.
Squidoo had locked many people's lenses. The reason being they said was because the lenses were overly promotional. I kind of felt that was hypocritical of Squidoo because they encouraged people to become giant squids. You were a giant squid if you had 100 lenses or more. I started writing for Squidoo because I liked to write about different topics that always didn't pertain to my blog. Plus, I could add my blog and other social networks to my Squidoo profile. I thought it was a great way to get more readers not only for my blog but other topics that I liked writing about. Squidoo was also a community and I was able to meet other people and read and comment on their lenses too.
The reason that I said it was kind of hypocritical of Squidoo to start locking people's lenses was because they encouraged people to write lots of lenses because once you did you earned the title of being a giant squid. There were also special benefits of being one too. We all know that once people start focusing on quantity many times quality goes out the window. Also, some people were making money with Squidoo because they were able to sell things from their Squidoo lenses. With people making money and Squidoo encouraging you to make as many lenses as possible and rewarding you for it that kind of set the tone for poor quality lenses being made. Now, Squidoo went on a locking lense rampage. Many people felt that their lenses were being targeted unfairly. It was like Squidoo was now punishing you for the very thing they encouraged you to do.
Squidoo claimed that because there were so many poor quality lenses being made that it hurt their search engine rankings. Because of the Google Penguin and Panda's updates they were also being targeted. So, in an effort to get back on track they decided they had to get rid of these poor quality lenses. So, that is what they had been doing. It was a big surprise to everyone to learn that Squidoo was being sold to Hubpages. For one, it seemed like Squidoo had made it through the dark period. They were getting a new design for the lenses. It really seemed like things were looking up for Squidoo. Now, people are being hit with this news.
I know people are going to say this is why you should have your own blog. I agree. However, if you're like me and you like to write about different topics from time to time sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and Wizzley are nice to have. It's kind of hard to have blogs in all the niches that you might like. Plus, it takes a lot of hard work just to maintain one or two blogs. So, it's nice to have sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and Wizzley. Another reason is some people don't want to maintain a blog they just want to have some place to write. Sometimes you do get writing ideas that don't necessarily pertain to the topic of your blog and this way you can still write and not annoy your readers. If you would like to signup for Wizzley Click Here.
Will I be writing at Hubpages? I might. I just think Wizzley has modules that are similar to Squidoo and I like the look and feel of the pages. I don't understand why Squidoo is shutting down. Whatever Hubpages is doing it seemed like they could of done too. The platforms are similar. I know that when I used to search online about certain topics there used to always be a Squidoo lens that would come up but that wasn't happening lately. I really don't believe it was because of poor quality lenses because as many poor quality lenses there were also some very good lenses. I could tell that people had put a lot of time and effort in making their lenses. Unfortunately, when you have writing platforms you get people who will make bad content. Some purposely and some not purposely (they just don't have any writing skills). That just comes with the territory.
Do you think that Google was really the reason Squidoo is shutting down? I would love to here what you think.
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If you would like to decorate your home office some of these posters are great to spruce it up. They will make it lively and fun. Hang them up in your home office or any room in your home.
This is a fun T-Shirt you can give to your blogger friend. Especially, if they like to wear there personality on their sleeve. It's bold and fun!
This poster is very simple. It kind of reminds you of a chalkboard. If you have a blogger friend that is also a teacher this would make a nice gift. Or even if they are not a certified teacher but a teacher through their blog it still will make a nice gift.
Do you have a blogger friend that loves coffee? He or she will love this poster. Everytime they get their morning cup they will think about you.
Another great gift to give your coffee loving blogger friends.
This poster has a very soft color. I think it would look great in any room. It has a simple and modern look.
This poster is funny. Your blogging friends that have a sense of humor will love this one.
Your blogging friends will love this! Young bloggers will find this one funny!
I think any of your blogger friends would love this one. This is a great way for them to display their love for blogging.
Like these gifts? Which one is your favorite? Or is it too hard to choose? |
Last week, Detroit was under water. I, mean literally. I watched in disbelief as our highways and freeways were submerged in 10 to 14 ft. of water. People were struggling to get through the water and many cars just stopped working right in the middle of the freeways. Some people had even brought out canoes to ride up and down their streets. Basements were flooded (including mine) were filled with at least 2 ft. of water. Who knew that the rain that we were getting and that I was thoroughly enjoying would turn out to leave such a mess? It rained for about 4 hours straight. Our street was flooded too.
When it was all said and done we had to throw out everything in our basement. Books, clothes, and a lot of memories all were ruined. Hardly, anything could be salvaged. Our basement is empty except for a few things that were on shelves and didn't get wet during the flood. This is something that I usually watch on t.v. but this time I was in the mist of the disaster. Detroit was major news all around the world. People were watching as people stood on top of their cars and couldn't get home for hours because of the flood that showed no mercy to anyone and few escaped it's raft.
Even though, all this was going on I still had to write my blog post and get somethings done on this blog that I had been procrastinating on. I didn't think that my city would be under water because of a flood. This came totally unexpectedly and without warning. Yes, we have been getting a lot of rain but nothing of this magnitude. Now, we had a big mess to cleanup. All the while praying, that we didn't get anymore rain until we did. Usually, I write my blog post in one setting but not that day I didn't. I was doing three things at once. I was writing my blog post, putting up my advertising resources page and finishing my tools and resources page that had been saying, "Coming Soon" for almost two years now. It seemed just when I had planned to really take care of things this calamity hit us.
However, I couldn't let this adversity stop me from doing what I said that I was going to do. I had to keep on keeping on. Yes, I had to stop working on my blog to help clean out the basement. Which, was really nerve racking because I'm the type of person that likes to get things done in one setting. Needless to say, I didn't get it done that day. I had to finish everything the next day instead. I also still had to help clean out the basement because the job was not yet finished. I guess, I could of taken a break but at this time it just wasn't a good time as I have lots of things that I need to get done. These are somethings that helped me stay focused in the face of adversity:
Not Getting Frustrated The flood was beyond my control so it was of no use of getting frustrated. It wasn't going to help the situation any. Remaining, calm and cool and putting my trust in Allah (God) was the best thing for me to do. It also helped me not to worry. I also was surrounded by my family which I love very much and who really helped us in our time of need.
Downsizing Even though we lost a lot of things it put a lot of things in perspective. I still had a lot though. It's great to have memories in physical form but some of the best memories I have are not in pictures they are in my mind. Those are where some of my best memories are. So, it doesn't matter if I have lost some pictures which are the physical. I can't see them physically but mentally I can and I can revisit them anytime. Also, I have what I need. In our case we had a lot of stuff and much we could do without. The flood just helped us get rid of some excess baggage and caused us to do it now instead of later.
Working Together We really came together to clean up. It was a lot to do (and I mean a lot). My sister and her kids really helped us out. Young people can really do a lot if you let them. Plus, they really wanted to help and they did an awesome job. We really got done rather quickly considering the mess that we had on our hands.
Being Thankful Yes, we lot some stuff but that's just what it was stuff. I am very thankful for what I do have. Things can always be worse. Focusing on what we still have and not on what we lost. Who knows? Maybe Allah (God) will replace it with better. I like to look to the future not stay in the past. It brought a lot of attention to what this city needs to get done too. So, hopefully some things that need to be replaced can now be in the works. I'm just thankful that it was only the basement that got flooded. Now, I really do know what other people go through when they have been hit by floods.
All in all you just have to keep going. You can't sit down and think about all the things you have to do because then you won't get them done. Yes, I could still blog even though we had this flood. In the first time in a long, long time. The internet did not go out during this storm. Can you believe that? I couldn't either but that's just one more thing to be grateful for.:)
Have you ever had an adversity? What did you do and how did you handle it? What were some things that you learned? What can advice can you give?
Also, you might be advertising more than one product on service and you may not want to write a blog post on every product because you don't want your blog to become a spam blog. You can find other advertising resources to advertise at. Places that are specifically used for advertising. This is something that you have to do on a regular basis and you have to do it consistently. It can be tiring. I know. It can even be downright discouraging at times but you must keep at it. Quitting is not an option. I know when I keep at it. I do see results.
You can't just advertise once or twice and think that is enough. That is not nearly enough. Advertising must be in your daily internet marketing routine. You should be doing some advertising everyday. Placing your ads in advertising sites will really help you get what you are advertising out to the people. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately see results. People usually don't buy the first time they see something. It might be they don't have the time or money. However, if you keep showing it to them then when they do they will buy.
You can even advertise your blog using these advertising sites too. Some advertising sites let you put your blog link in your profile. So, you can advertise your blog too. After all, we still have to advertise our blogs too, so that we can get more readers. I know some people don't like to use advertising sites and that's okay because you have to find out what works for you. I like them and use them because you don't never know where you will make a sale. If you haven't been making any sales then you might want to give them a try.
Where can you advertise? There are many places that you can advertise to help you gain traffic, referrals and customers. Here is a list of places where you can advertise. I made an advertising resources page on this site. It has a list of places that you can advertise and you will never run out of places to advertise. I will be adding more so you can check back periodically. You can check it out here:
Advertising is not something that you can do part time it has to be a full time job. Why? Because you have to be constantly bringing in people for your programs and business. This is the only way that you will get customers and referrals. You have to get in front of people continually. So, being consistent is key. The good news is with some of the sites that I have given you it doesn't take that much time for you to put an ad in. Some of the sites you do have to surf for credits but even with that it doesn't take a whole lot of credits for you to send your ad. Just do a couple of sites a day.
You can have the best products, programs and services in the world but if people do not know about it then, it won't do you any good. You must help them find you. Stay focused with your advertising and you will get results.
As we all know blogging isn't just about writing. It's way more it to it than that. After you publish you're blog post you have to get traffic to it. That's where the challenge is. It wasn't long ago that all you had to do was write a blog post. However, those days are long gone. There are so many things that you need to do and it doesn't matter what kind of niche that you are in. The same rules apply.
If you're a blogger it is very important that you learn internet marketing. Why? Because you will be marketing on the internet. Bloggers are usually, internet marketers, network marketers and affiliate marketers all rolled up in one. They are usually promoting something else other than just writing for their blogs. The blog is usually the home front for other businesses.
If you do not know anything about internet marketing then, it will be hard for you to be successful with your blog. Traffic, social media, seo are all things that you need to know about when you are blogging. I know some people think that if they are not in the internet marketing niche then they don't have to worry about internet marketing. Yes, you do because all the fundamentals of internet marketing come into play when you are blogging.
I remember when I first started my natural health blog. I was looking all over trying to find information about how to get traffic to it. That's one of the reasons, I started this blog. The more I learned the more it led me to internet marketing. I knew I had to learn internet marketing if my blog was to have any kind of chance of being successful.
You're blog cannot and will not be successful if you do not learn internet marketing. So, how do you learn about internet marketing. You can read internet marketing blogs. Visit and participate in internet marketing groups and some blogging groups and communities. Also, read "Subscribing To Website Magazine Is Extremely Important To Your Web Success." This is extremely vital for the newbie but it is also vital for the veteran blogger to stay updated as well.
I like to say that all bloggers are internet marketers even though all internet marketers are not bloggers. If you are new to internet marketing you can also start with reading this blog and even if you are not new it will help you to stay updated.
Do you consider yourself to be a blogger/internet marketer or you never really thought about it? Did you find this blog post to be helpful? If so please share it. Thanks in advance!
Do you feel like that promoting online is taking up all of your time? Are you tired of not having time to do anything else? Do you feel exhausted when you get off the computer? Don't get me wrong promoting is a lot of work but it is only one piece of the puzzle. We have so many other things that we have to do to. Yes, we must get the word out about our blogs, websites or affiliate programs and anything else we are promoting. However, it shouldn't be taking up all our time online.
So, what can you do to help you with this problem? I know you are thinking that I must advertise because if I don't know one will know about my site. That is definitely true. However, there are ways you can promote and it won't take up all of your online time. Sometimes in trying to achieve somethings we can become overly obsessive. This is not helping our situation it can even cause us to not achieve our goals because the negative feelings will start to set in. This is what we don't want to happen.
Fix certain days or hours to do your promoting. Say, you started promoting at 9:00 a.m. in the morning and you finished at 10:00. You still have time to do other things that you need to do online. I know some people promote everyday. If you do promote everyday make sure you have a certain time that you do it. This will stop you from feeling overwhelmed and you will have time to do all the other things that you want to do online. This is so important because doing one thing should not be taking up all your online time.
If you use online advertising sites you may want to track your results to see where your traffic is coming from. If you use Google analytics that is good but that is only good for the traffic that is coming to your website. If you use online advertising sites tracking will help you know if a particular program you are advertising is getting hits or results. You may want to try Affiliate Notepad it can help you with that.
Designating the days and hours is also helpful when you are doing other things such as participating in communities or groups too. Especially, if you are in a lot of them. This way, you will be able to take your time and really be able to help other people without feeling rushed. I do this myself and it really helps because I used to be all over the place and I wasn't getting much done before I started designating my days and hours.
I know if you have a blog, twitter account, facebook fan page and you are probably promoting different affiliate programs too. You want to kill two birds with one stone. My Viral Affiliate Site is a great way to do that. You can promote your blog, twitter account and facebook fan page all at the same time. Instead of promoting separately. This is a great way to save time with your advertising. You can just promote your My Viral Affiliate Site with one link. It makes advertising so much easier!
Being organized online is extremely important so that we can manage our time wisely. This way we can get everything that we need to do online done in a timely fashion. Let's face it! We have a lot to do online and we have to make sure that it gets done but it shouldn't come with the cost of us losing our sanity.
P.S. I hope that you found this helpful. If you did. Please share! Thanks in advance!
It can be easy to become frustrated blogging. After all, there is a lot of things to do when it comes to blogging. We all want to be successful at blogging. Just like anything success takes time and unfortunately, a lot of hard work. I think you know this deep down but sometimes you think that, you might be an exception. Also, society doesn't make it any easier. We live in a society where patience isn't a virtue and instant gratification is. Once, you understand that it takes time and you will get there, because you will. I believe that it will cut down on a lot of frustration that you might have.
When you set out to be a blogger there are so many things to learn. Although, writing is a big part of blogging it is not the only thing a blogger has to do. So, if you are looking to become a blogger do your research. Find out what it is to be a blogger and all the steps that you have to take to become successful at it. Most importantly, you need to know if this is something that you really want to do. Read,"Is Blogging For You?" it will help you make that decision. If you haven't thought about it thoroughly.
Blogging should be enjoyable. If you are stressed out every time you write a blog post. Then, obviously blogging is not fun for you. Yes, it is your business, but if you are worried about what to write about it will show in your writing. You can tell when someone is uptight and stressed. A tip I would suggest is to start writing your blog post, then just go read something online that you like. It could be another blogger's blog, reading social media comments, or going to your favorite stores website. Just take a minute break and then come back and finish your blog post. I have done this on many occasions and it really helped me with my writing.
Pinpoint all the things that have been making you frustrated. Was it that you didn't get as many shares for a blog post that you thought was really good? You asked a question on social media and no one answered. You didn't figure out how to use a plugin correctly. You have been having a hard time learning html. It hasn't been easy for you promoting your blog posts. Whatever the reasons maybe make sure you get them out of your system. Once you get them out in the open you can start solving them. This will cut down on those frustrated feelings that you are having. You could even talk about these issues on your blog too. Your frustrations could become blog posts. There are many people who are also having the same problems too. It helps you get them off of your chest and find solutions for them.
Writing about another topic can also be helpful in combating frustration as a blogger. Sometimes, it can be easy to get burned out writing about the same topic all the time. Do you need to change your niche? That may or may not be the case. You can even get tired about writing about something that you love to do if you are doing it all the time. You, only need to change your niche if it has become just downright boring for you. Like, if it is becoming a complete chore every time you write a blog post. Then, you need to seriously consider changing your niche. If not, then you don't. You just might need to write about other things that you are interested in. Read,"How To Write Off Topic And Keep Your Blog Readers".
Why did you start blogging in the first place? This is something that you need to really think about. What did you want to achieve? This is something that you must keep at the forefront. Why? Because it will help keep you going. If you quit without achieving your goals then, what was the point of you starting anyway? It will also stop you from quitting. I know one of the best feelings in the world for me is when I achieve a goal that I have set and I get to check it off of my list. That is definitely a great feeling to have.
As you can see there are many things that can cause you to be a frustrated blogger. Anyone can get frustrated but there are also many things that we can do to help us with our frustration before it becomes a big problem. It can even cause you to quit if you are not careful. This is something that we want to avoid at all costs. Blogging is supposed to be fun! It's something that you love doing. Even if you don't know how to do something or something isn't going the way you want it to go. These problems will get solved. No problem lasts forever. Next time you get frustrated. Ask yourself, "Is this really worth getting frustrated over?" Then, take a deep breath.
Remember, worrying and frustration is never the answer and it won't make you feel any better. The best way to combat those feelings is just to keep going and not let them stop you.
Know a frustrated blogger? Share this blog post with them!
Have you ever wanted to do something and just wasn't able to do it? You wanted to but just couldn't do it at that moment. Maybe, you didn't have the time or money? You plan on doing it as soon as you can. Can you still write about it? Of course you can. It's nothing wrong with faking it until you make it. It will even help you achieve the things that you want to do. After all, it is said you have to feel it before you get it. Will you be lying? Certainly not. I would never encourage anyone not to tell the truth. It is simply talking or writing about things that you would like to do. There is nothing wrong with that.
How many times do we talk about things that we want to do but haven't actually done them? Of course, you can relate. I'm sure a lot of people can. You want to do them and you plan on doing them as soon as you can. It's not like you are telling people about things you don't want to do. That would be a whole different story. You want to do these things and you will. For instance, maybe you want to go on a vacation or attend an internet marketing event. Maybe you would like to purchase and internet marketing course or join a network marketing business. How about purchase that nice handbag you've had your eye on.
If you want to go on a vacation. You can talk about what vacations you want to go on. How you are saving money so that you can take them. Find coupons that you can use to help you save on things you will need for the trip. If you have used a network marketing business's products you can talk about how good the products are. What they have done for you. Why you continue to use them. That nice handbag you want to get. You can talk about shopping sites where you can purchase things for a good price and save money. The possibilities are endless!
These things can even help you get the money to do the things that you want to do. If that is one of the reasons why you haven't been able to do the things you would like to do. When you write be honest. Why? Because many people are having the same problems as you are and they want to know how to solve them. It could help you make money because if you use affiliate links for the things you want to do and want to buy someone else might want to buy it too. This way you can take that money and use it for what you would like to do. Again, be honest. An example would be. I love these shoes and plan on buying them. If you have an affiliate link someone else might like them too and also buy them.
I would recommend using Amazon affiliate program because Amazon sells everything! Usually, when I can't find a product anywhere else Amazon has it. This is a great way to talk about things that you want and earn some extra money at the same time. Why? Because you feel better talking about things that you like or want to have instead of dwelling on what you don't like and don't have. When you feel good, good things happen.
Another way is to make a to do list. Write out all the things that are on your to do list. People like to read about what you plan on doing or buying. It can even help them with what they might want to add on their to do lists. Everyone has to do lists. See, I bet you feel better already just by thinking about all the things that you like to do. I must admit It makes me feel good too just by writing this blog post. How many times have you felt bummed because you couldn't do something? Now, there is no reason to feel that way anymore.
Faking it until you make it sounds pretty good doesn't it? I bet you thought when you read the title of this blog post that it was going to make you feel like a fake. Go ahead. Tell the me the truth. I can take it. You have to feel it before you get it. This is with anything that you want. Rather, if it's to be successful in business, a great blogger, to become a better person. So, until you get there pretend you are already there. Did you like this blog post? Please share if you do. Have you faked it until you made it before?