Participating in communities is a great way to get help, share and learn. I am a member of several communities myself and not too much of that is going on lately. I, too have been guilty of not having the proper etiquettes of participating in communities. I admit I was all too thrilled that I was going to be able to share my blog posts because some communities have forbidden the sharing of any kind of links. However, I quickly noticed that I was not the only one and that everyone in the communities were doing the same thing. I can't say that my blog posts were getting any real visit time because before I looked up it would be at the bottom before I could count to three. So, this really wasn't bringing me any real visitors or traffic. I kept doing it for a minute but after a while I called it quits. This isn't what a community is supposed to be about. I had since started my own community and I knew that I didn't want my community to be used only as a haven for links. So, if I didn't want people to just drop and leave links in my community. I knew that I had to quit doing it in other communities whether they allowed it or not.
The Problem
This has become a big problem for people who have communities. I mean, there is virtually no interaction going on and when I say none, I mean NONE. I don't agree that people shouldn't be able to share links because sometimes people write blog posts that answers a question that someone has asked. Plus, you might have read a good article that everyone can benefit from. So, I wouldn't ban links all together. I know some people have and I can certainly see why they did it. For me, a community is about helping and sharing. It's virtually no point in joining a community if you can't share what you know or learn. However, I do believe everything should be done in moderation. It certainly shouldn't be used as a place for link dumping. In many cases communities have turned into freeadvertising forums. Forums where people come and advertise for free and on a daily basis. Now, they have freeadvertising communities. These are communities that are set up for you to advertise in. You know these communities because they have names like "Free Ads" or "Free to Promote". Then they go on to say that you can post your ads for free. There is a big difference between a freeadvertising community and a regular community. In a regular community participation is expected. In a freeadvertising community it is not because people only come there to post ads.
The Solution
What can we do to make these communities better? I understand that everyone wants to get traffic to their websites or blogs but just dropping your links in communities is certainly not the answer. It really takes the fun out of being in a community. I have seen questions go unanswered because people are too busy posting their links. They probably didn't even see it because as I said before just in a matter of minutes because there are so many people posting their links it ends up at the bottom all too quickly. Find out what is expected of you when you join a community. Don't just do something because everyone else is doing it no matter how wrong it may be. Answer questions. If someone asks a question and you know the answer then, answer it. Share not only your blog posts but other bloggers content too. Have fun! You can also share inspirational quotes. Who doesn't need a positivity boost? A community is about sharing, learning and helping. These components make a great community.
The Discussion
Below is what people had to say about just posting links and no interaction in communities. If you would like to participate in the conversation please do so.
Everyone loves a great community. When done correctly it is enjoyable for everyone. You shouldn't feel discouraged if you want people to see your links. There are places that you can go to share your links and people will comment. No one is saying that you can't share your links but that is not the only thing that should be done when participating in communities. No one likes to visit communities where there is absolutely no interaction and only the posting of links. That's a fast track for a failure of a community. We don't join communities to help them fail we join so that people can have a place for support and to help them succeed.
You probably noticed the Versatile Blog Award banner in my sidebar. Last month, I had the honor of being nominated for this award by one of my readers, Christen Wysocki Pyle. She is the author of Work At Home Wisdom a blog about helping people find real work at home jobs. It's very well written and when you visit it has such a nice atmosphere. It has something for everyone. If you would like to find out more information about working from home then, I suggest you check out her blog. I was pleasantly surprised and shocked that I had won this award. I was also very honored to receive it. Thank you! Christen for thinking about me and nominating me for this award!
I think this is a great way to show appreciation for the blogs that you like. It's nice to receive a reward from someone who enjoys reading your blog and finds it to be helpful. I know I have asked myself,"I wonder if my blog is helpful and what my readers think of it?" I had never heard of the Versatile blogging award before I was nominated. I didn't even know there was an award that could be given to us bloggers. So, I feel very happy, humbled and very much appreciated to receive it. If you're like me and have never heard of the Versatile Blog Award (until recently) and would like to learn more about it Click Here.
We are supposed to pay it forward to 15 blogs. However, I am listing the ones that I do follow on a regular basis. In nominating a blog the rules are as follows: quality of writing, uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page, and last but not least, the quality of the photographs and the level of love of displayed in the taking of them.
I will now nominate other blogs for this reward. Here are my nominees!
1. Lynn Terry her blog ClickNewz is about internet marketing, tips and reviews and affiliate marketing. She is my favorite blog author. Provides great information that will help you online. 2. Harleena Singh her blog Aha-now is about self-improvement and she gives you great tips on how to improve yourself and your well-being. She also writes about blogging as well. I love reading her blog they are always very helpful, insightful and well written. 3. Evelyn Parham's blog is about eating healthy naturally. She gives you tips on how to stay healthy and shares some tasty recipes too! Her blog is very encouraging and keeps you motivated to stay healthy. 4. Barb Brady's Simplify Technology Blog is about technology. She gives you helpful tips that really make it easy for you to understand and implement what you have learned. I learned a lot about Mailchimp from her. 5. Wendy G. Ewvrum's blog Fabulosity Reads is about books and book reviews. If you love reading then you will love her blog. The reviews are always well written and you can enter to win giveaways. 6. Petula Lloyd's blog Petulaw is about her everyday life. This is one of the first blogs that I followed. She also writes about product reviews. It's something for everyone here. 7. Angela Mccall's blog a graphic designer she writes about blogging, social media and she has a lot of helpful tips. 8. Jenn Herman's blog Jenn's Trends is about social media. She has some very helpful tips that will help you with social media. If you are looking for help with social media this is the blog to read. 9. Kimberly Ben's blog Muslimahs Working At Home is about working from home. She helps you find ways you can make money from home. She offers some great tips on how you can get started. 10. Ileane's blog Basic Blog Tips explains her blog well. She gives some great tips on blogging, learning how to use Youtube and social media. 11. Sarupa Shah's blog The Soul Agent is about using affirmations to help you become successful in your business and everyday life. This blog is very insprirational and helps keep you motivated to stay positive. Also, she has some great affirmations you can use daily. 12. Pauline Cabrera's blog Twelve Skip is about internet marketing and blogging tips. I really like her blog very helpful and informative. She also has great tips on html. 13. Delia's blog Blog Formatting is a blog about helping women bloggers become better bloggers. She has some great tips that you can start using right away.
If you are looking for some great blogs to read check out these amazing blogs! Now go get your badge and read more about what this award means! :)
I am supposed to tell 7 things about myself they are:
You would think that internet marketing would be the ideal business for an introvert. After all, you are doing everything behind a computer but with technology moving at the fast pace it is it is definitely becoming more personal. You don't have to actually be there to be there. With videos, Google hangouts, smart phones and Skype you can have more face time than ever. This can be somewhat uncomfortable for an introvert as they like their quiet time and privacy. A little goes a long way for an introvert. However, at the same time you do want to be accessible to your readers and your customers. You want them to feel comfortable but you don't want to be uncomfortable. You want the best of both worlds for them and for you.
You also want to be yourself too. You don't want to be pretending to be someone that you aren't. People can smell someone being fake a mile away. Plus, it's exhausting to keep up a fake persona on a daily basis. It's nothing wrong with being an introvert just like there is nothing wrong with being an extrovert. So, just be you! It's better that way. People are reading your blog or joining you in business adventures because they like you and want to hear what you have to say. I do think sometimes that introverts are perceived as if something is wrong with them. Just because someone is quiet or doesn't like to be in huge crowds doesn't mean something is wrong with them. For some, this is how they like it and it's nothing wrong with that.
As internet marketers or bloggers we have to continually get the word out about our blog or any programs that we are promoting. Even though we do the majority of our business online we still have to communicate with people. Sometimes, being introverts you like to keep things on a small scale. I don't think that is something you should try to control at least until you get a substantial amount of readers or customers. Because internet marketing is largely a numbers game. You have to constantly keep bringing in people to your blog/business. This brings me to the question,"Do You Feel That Being An Introvert Is A Problem?" If you do, you shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert. Probably, if you do feel this way is because some of the questions people ask you sometimes make it seem like it is.
In fact, I do believe that internet marketing is a great business for introverts. You can choose which marketing methods you would like to use and how you would like to use them. You can use what is best for you. That means you can cater your business to be more in tune with your personality. Social media makes it easy for you to talk to a large audience and communicate and build relationships online. I also believe that introverts possess a lot of qualities that makes them good at internet marketing. I will list some below: Good listeners - Because introverts are good listeners they pay attention to you and are focused on helping you. Honest - Because they don't sugar coat things they will be more likely to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear. Patient - Introverts are not in a hurry a lot of times they don't mind waiting and taking time to answer questions appropriately. Deep Thinkers - They think about the problems or solutions beforehand thus, helping to make good business decisions. Good Writers - Introverts usually express themselves better in writing which is really good for internet marketing if you have a blog or write ads. Serious - When it's time to get down to business introverts are ready to get the job done and are persistent in doing so.
I think sometimes as introverts people sometimes automatically feel that people might not like them because of their personality. That's when the positive thinking comes in handy. You must think good about yourself in order for you to be successful. People can feel if you are fearful or if you really don't want to talk to them. Even though, we are online our personality still shines through. So, it's safe to say there is really no hiding behind a computer. No, they can't see you but your words are just as clear.
With internet marketing you can take breaks if you need to so, if you need to recharge it's no problem. You are in the comfort of your own home. Plus, you can really take your time to get to know people. It's no rush. You can start out emailing, then talking on social media or instant messaging. Then, if you want to you can talk on the phone. It's not something you have to do if you don't want to but it's always an option. This is really great for introverts. You can use whatever communicative channel is right for you.
We are selling whether we want to be or not. It's all in the same category. Many times you might not think that you are good internet marketers or can be for that matter because of your personality. You might be struggling in that regard. In that case you will find this book," Successful Selling For Introverts" by Thomas Murphy extremely helpful. Me, being an introvert myself I found it to be a great read and extremely helpful. It helps you to utilize your best introvert traits and get them to help you be successful in your business. The book also contains valuable checklists and selling tips to help you find what introvert traits that you can use in your business. Grab a copy and start making your introvert skills work for you!
You don't have to feel like being an introvert is holding you back in your business. As you can see it's the complete opposite. Being an introvert has so many benefits. So, don't try to be anyone else. Just be you!
We all know that social media is a great way to share what we like. After all, these are places that we are in control of and we can share what we like. Are we sharing only the things that we like? You might say that's what we are supposed to do. People follow us because they are interested in what we have to say. Yes, that is true. However, there is always more than one point of view in all things. Just because we are not interested in it doesn't mean it's not good or interesting. If you are guilty of this maybe, you have a reason. It just might be that you don't know anything else about a particular subject. It's just that you like to share things that you know really well and don't like to share things you don't. I think we have all been guilty of this at one time or another.
It could also be that you are being cautious. You think that you're followers wouldn't be interested in anything that is new or that they haven't heard of before. They don't know anyone else that is using that particular tool or haven't read about it anywhere they wouldn't be interested in you sharing it with them. Know one wants to share things that people are not interested in or deem to be boring or unhelpful. Maybe, you fear that people will start stop following you if are not sharing what everyone else is sharing. The question is,"Are you boring your followers?" How many times where you go to people's social media accounts and all you see is them sharing their blog posts? I mean, that's all you see and nothing else. It's true that you do share what you want people to see and know about. However, that is a turn-off because if they are already subscribed to your blog they probably already have read your blog posts. You can say but I have people who may not be subscribed to my blog. Yes, you should share your blog posts. I'm not telling you not to share them but that shouldn't be the only thing that you should share.
Do you like to read only people's blog posts when you visit their social media accounts? If you are following someone do you enjoy only reading them and nothing else? Of course not. People like variety (I know I do). Do you share only what you are interested in and nothing else? I don't have accounts on all the social media sites. However, just because I don't have accounts on certain ones doesn't mean I can't share information about them. Maybe someone who follows me would like to know more information about them. It is easy to get caught up in sharing about one thing. Why? Because it's quicker and you can move on to doing other things that you have to do. How many times have you told yourself," I've done my sharing on social media today. Now, it's time to get other things done." Don't deny this. (LOL) You know you have. What am I talking about. I know I have. Just because it's easier and quicker doesn't make it the right thing to do and it becomes a chore and you know when something becomes a chore the less enjoyable it becomes.
Your motto should be,"If you like it share it and even if you don't use it share it anyway because someone who is following you might". Continue sharing things you like but switch it up. I'm not telling you to go off topic but there are so many things that you can share within your topic that won't bore the pants off of your followers. The same thing over and over can really get boring fast and that includes your blog posts. You are probably thinking. Who could get tired of my blog posts? Especially when they are streaming automatically on all of my social media accounts. (LOL) Don't think you're blog posts are boring people day in and day out. Just ask your followers. I didn't think so. That's just too embarrassing.
So, what should you share on social media? There's news, humor, other bloggers blog posts, food, health, articles, quotes, accomplishments, alerts, products, tools you use, technology, things you like and even don't like.
I just took a quiz called,"What Social Network Are You?" Can you guess which one I am? Okay, I will tell you. I'm Pinterest! I thought it would be fun if you take it too. Take it and then share it on your social media accounts. This is something that you can share and it's fun! After you take the quiz. Leave a comment telling me which social network you are!
Click on image to take the quiz.
P.S. Don't forget to share this blog post!
Have you ever found yourself saying to yourself, "I don't have everything I need to get started?" I think we have all said that at one time or another but has it been true? Maybe, things weren't exactly like we wanted them to be but that still isn't any excuse not to get started. I mean, nothing is perfect and we can't wait until we think things are because we won't ever get started. Who really has all the tools and resources really? I know there is something that you aren't using but you would like to or maybe you just don't have the money right now. That is something that we all go through or might be still going through.
I know money can be the number one reason why you don't get started. Trust me, I can totally relate. However, that still is not a good reason not to get started on doing something that you really want to do. I know sometimes when you are looking up information so that you can learn more about how to get started and what you need to do so. You can hear things like. If you don't use xyz blogging platform or if you don't abc advertising options that you won't be successful so there is no reason why you should start. Bad things can happen no matter what we use or don't use. The company could go out of business or a hacker could hack into the system. These things can happen no matter what hosting company or blogging platform you decide to use. I don't think there is no real protection from any of these things. The good news is we just keep going no matter what. We don't let any of those things stop us. We tie our camel as best as we can and we keep it moving.
I want to talk more about the money issue because I know this is a big problem for a lot of people. I haven't conquered all of my money demons either. It's something that I am still working on. The biggest one for me is debt. Yup, I said it. I am in debt. So, just know that you are not alone in the battle of the money issues. This is a big dark ugly cloud that is over a lot of people's heads. Is it still a reason not to get started in your internet marketing endeavors? I must say the answer is a big, "NO". There are many things that you can use free or low cost. Maybe, you don't want to use anything free because you feel it's not professional or you don't want to be seen as a freebie seeker. Maybe, in your eyes you feel free is cheap. It's simply not true. There are many things that are free that are very professional. You can start out free and then upgrade later on. Many times you wouldn't even know it was free if you weren't told it was. I can understand not wanting to be viewed as a freebie seeker but you can start out free it doesn't have to be forever. That's what I have done with some of the internet marketing programs I am in. I started out free and then later upgraded. You can decide which ones you would like to do that with.
Another thing I wanted to stress is people might not think you are professional. I can understand that but I have seen people who are not using free resources of any kind and there site still wasn't professional. On the outside it was but on the inside it wasn't. The writing wasn't good and in some cases their attitude wasn't good. So, really what does not using free got to do with it? I'm just saying this should not be a reason why you haven't gotten started. Don't let money problems be a reason why you don't get started. After all, hopefully this will be only a temporary issue anyway. It's like learning as you go. You take it one day at a time. Step by step.
Ask yourself,"What do you need to get started?" You may want to write out a list. This will help you stay focused on what you really need to get started. Sometimes we have in our heads all of these things that we think we need to get started. When actually, we don't need half of these things. They are just excuses that we are using not to get started. Which are crippling us and stopping from achieving our dreams. So, grab that piece of paper and start writing out somethings that could be helpful in getting started.
Another thing you want to do is take the words, "I can't" or " I don't have" out of your vocabulary (I am really starting to hate those words). I know it's not easy but it has to be done. I'm still working to get them out of my vocabulary as well but as I always say, "They got to go!" These words are the culprit why you don't have or you think you can't. After all, the words that we speak on a regular basis becomes realities. Plus, when we continually say them you feel horrible (I know I do). Start saying, "I can" or "I have". How many times have you thought you didn't have something and you really did? How many times have you said you couldn't do something and you did it? Talk about you don't have everything you need to get started. Those words are something that you definitely don't need to get started.
Goal setting is also very important. Just because we may not be where we want to be now doesn't mean that we won't get there. So, set those goals! We should always work to improve our business. You may not have this or that now but you will get it. We are constantly climbing that ladder. Start from the bottom and work your way to the top. What don't you have but would like to have? Those things should be in your goal list. These are somethings that would make our business easier and run smoother.
We must be grateful for what we do have. Sometimes we are so focused on what we don't have that we miss the things that we do have. That's one thing I like about internet marketing. It doesn't take a whole lot to get started. Whereas, back in the day it did. Today, it doesn't. You have a computer and the internet. Those are just two things that you do have. It's not supposed to be complicated. Plus, there are so many other resources that you can use. (You should see my notebook I have written down so many it isn't even funny). You really have everything you need to get started. What you should fear is not getting started. This is the real elephant in the room.
What are the reasons that you haven't gotten started yet? Are there any in particular?
We've all been on Twitter and we see a product link that we want to purchase from but we don't want to leave Twitter right away. I mean, after all there are bunches of tweets that we haven't sent out yet or retweets that need to be tweeted and shared. Do we really want to miss out on our friends tweets and retweets? Of course not? On the other hand I really want to purchase that product and I don't want to forget about it. By chance, I do remember it I will have to go to Amazon and search for it myself. Do I really want to do that? Not today, I don't. I just have too much I need to do. Can you relate to that? I know you can.
Now all you have to do is connect your Twitter account to Amazon then when you see the amazon product and you would like to purchase the product but don't want to leave Twitter. All you have to do is click reply and use the hashtag #AmazonCart and it will be in your cart at Amazon. So, you won't have to remember because it will already be there and you won't have to leave Twitter. That's it! You can continue browsing on Twitter and you can still purchase the product that you wanted on Amazon.
In 3 easy steps you can shop on Amazon while you are on Twitter! I know I have seen some nice things that I have wanted to purchase and I didn't because I didn't want to leave Twitter right away. Now, I don't have to and you don't either. This will make shopping on Amazon a whole lot easier! Is your Twitter account already connected to Amazon? If not, go ahead and connect it. It's easy and simple. Shopping has just got a whole lot easier!
Enjoy Twitter even more and start filling up your #AmazonCart with a bunch of goodies. Did you see that nice product link on Twitter and you think it would make a fabulous gift for your friend? Put it in your #AmazonCart and keep moving! This is so convenient and fun! Now you don't have to miss out on anything! If you would like to learn more about #AmazonCart and I know you do. Click on the banners above and below. |
1. You can work from home. There are so many benefits working from home. You don't have to worry about filling up a gas tank or getting caught in traffic. You can just get up bathe, brush teeth, eat breakfast and get to work. If someone needs you, you are there. And even if you don't bathe or brush your teeth no one would know. LOL
2. You can take a break when you need to. If you feel that you have done a surmountable amount of work you can take a break. You don't have to worry about huffing down your lunch because your break will be over in 15 minutes. You can take a break whenever you need to and for how long you need to. If something comes up you can just take a break. No worries. 3. You set your own hours. Maybe you work well early in the morning or late at night. You can set when you will work by making your own schedule. You don't have to worry about having to get the night shift and you know you will be terrible at it just because that was the schedule that was given to you. You can set your own hours and work when it is best for you. 4. You can connect with people worldwide. The world is at your feet when you work online. You can get the opinions of people who live all over the world. You can make friends and chat with people no matter where in the world they live in. It's really a great feeling to be able to connect with people worldwide. 5. You can work anywhere. You don't have to be stuck in an office all day if you don't want to. You can work anywhere you want to. In the car, outside on the porch, the backyard, at a friends or relatives house. As long as you have a computer and the internet your office can be anywhere you want it to be. No more thinking like,"I can't wait to get out of this office. You won't have to be in one in the first place. 6. Anyone can be a potential customer or client. You don't know who is going to be interested in what you have to offer. I mean anyone. Having a blog or website gives you the ability to get your services or products out to lots of people. So, anyone could definitely become a customer or client. They don't have to leave their house to get your services so it's more convenient. 7. Multiple ways to earn online. You can do internet marketing, blogging, freelance work, affiliate marketing, selling digital products, sell your own products and network marketing. The opportunities are vast. Or you could do all of them. Online marketing sounds pretty good doesn't it? Are you doing online marketing? Would you like to? Why or why not?
Have you heard of Go Fund Me? This is a crowdfunding website. It is a site that will help you raise money. I know you might have some doubts. Not about the site but about your feelings. Maybe, you don't really like to ask for help or you might think getting help is a sign of weakness. Maybe you might feel that you are not building your business by yourself and that you won't be a self made man or woman. You might feel like that you are looking for a handout if you use a site like Go Fund Me.
If you feel this way you shouldn't. Sometimes we all need help at some point in our lives. Plus, people will be donating because of their own free will. No one is making them do it. This is like getting grant money because you don't have to worry about paying someone back and you won't have any debt worries. They are doing this because they want to help someone to achieve their goals. So, you shouldn't feel embarrassed in the least. It takes a lot of money to get a business off the ground. If people are willing to help you out I think that you should let them. You get blessings when you help someone out. It is said the giver and the receiver both receive blessings. No one loses. It's a win win for everyone. I just love win win situations. Don't you? :)
The good thing about using Go Fund Me is that you can explain who you are and why you would like to receive a donation (I think it looks better then just having a donation button up). People can see how much you have raised and what is your goal amount. The site is very professional looking and it gives people the opportunity to share it on the social networks. So, other people can have the opportunity to donate to a worthy cause. You can also see the people who have given you a donation. I think that is cool because if you know who donated you can thank them. I know some people like to donate anonymously as well that is cool too. Both ways are good, because like I said before it gives the recipient a chance to thank them and it encourages other people to give and sets a good example. Giving anonymously also helps keep one humble and it helps keep your intentions straight by not doing it for show or just to receive attention. It doesn't matter because Allah (God) knows who gives regardless whether the giver is known or unknown.
Below is a picture of the Go Fund Me website where you can get a feel of the site and see other members who are utilizing the services.
You might have concerns because you might feel like people may use a site like this for bad intentions. Such as they may or may not be telling the truth. I can understand your concerns but if we stopped helping because of people that might have bad intentions we wouldn't be helping anyone. We get rewarded for our good intentions. So, if it is our intention to help someone out we will be rewarded regardless of the ill intentions of others.
Click Here to see how Go Fund me works. As you can see it is very easy to use. So, if you would like to get your business off the ground or whatever dream that you have. It can become a reality. There are good people who would like to help you out if only they know about it. Go Fund Me gives them that chance.
Have you heard of Go Fund Me? Would you be willing to use a site like this?
In the beginning you may even have doubts yourself. So, it's extremely important that you are surrounding yourself with people who are also doing the same thing that you are doing. As much as you love your friends and family members you cannot just keep their company all the time if they are not encouraging you. I'm not telling you to break ties. I'm just saying you have to also connect with other people. Have a circle of people that you are in contact with that will help you and encourage you in your online marketing endeavors. If you don't your self-esteem will go down and we all know that when you are trying to accomplish something you have to feel good about it or it's no point of you doing it.
Even if, you cannot connect with people personally you can do it online. I always say that my support system has been online. These are people who are doing what I am doing. They understand everything that you are going through. They also know what it takes to be successful online. I have learned a lot from them. They keep me inspired and help me to keep plugging ahead. It also helps me keep the negativity at bay. This is something that we have to fight daily at least until we get where we want to go and even after we attain it. Why is this so hard? Many people see working online as not having a real job. This is so not true. For some, this is their sole income but they have worked very hard for it to be that way. For others, it fits in the multiple streams of income category. They are doing other things also. That's one of the good things about working online you can do more than one thing if you choose to do so.
I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook. That's where many of my family and friends are. What I found out quickly was they were not interested in what I am doing. I do still go there but I don't spend as much time as I used to. I decided that time could be spent more on my business. I was wasting a lot of time. I needed to be around people who liked doing what I am doing or who are interested in learning more about it. Perhaps, I could help someone else out. I am no online marketing guru. In fact, I am still learning myself but I like sharing what I already know and what I am still learning.
You will feel much better. I know that I do since I have surrounded myself with people who are also blogging and doing online marketing. My positivity levels are much higher and the belief in myself has gotten much better. If you are having any doubts about if you can do this. Just know that you can and you will. Even if you haven't been able to achieve everything that you want to do. As there are no secrets and you can probably see for yourself that I haven't gotten everything that I need to get for this blog but it is my intention to do so. I have somethings that I need to take care of first before doing so. I would like to share some places where you can get good advice, encouragement and also connect with other blogger/internet marketers:
Social Communities
G+ Communities Zero Links Blogging Discussion
As you can see this is so important and very vital to your success. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people? Do you have stories when you weren't? What was your turning point?
We spend a whole lot of time on our computers. Our minds are continually racing about what can we do or if we did everything that we should of done. The feeling of did I do enough is constantly on our minds. It can cause us to become slaves to our computers. We tell ourselves. I'm just going to do this it's only going to take a minute. Then, we start thinking I got to do this and before we know it we have literally spent all day working online.
The truth is there is only so many hours in a day. You can't be online all day even though we spend a big portion of our lives online. It's our business and we have to run it. It's true, but at what cost? What can we do to stop this feeling from ruining our lives because that is exactly what it is doing. We work from home. So, there is know one telling us what we can or can't do. So, if we want to work all day and all night there is no one to stop us. How can we combat these feelings that we are not doing enough?
First, we have to realize that we are doing enough. Sometimes you might not get everything done that you planned to do that day and that is okay. You can't beat yourself up about it. We all are entitled to have a off-day. Think about all the days that you have done everything that you set out to do. Having one off-day is not going to hurt you. You are not perfect. So, everything that you do will not be perfect. Do it the best you can and leave it at that.
I will tell you a story. I am not a night person. I do not work well at night. I immediately go into chill mode at night. I am a morning person. Because I had these constant feelings of me not doing enough I started trying to get on the night shift. I would be sitting at my computer and I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open. I would be literally falling asleep. I would be telling myself that I have to get this done. I wasn't doing a good job at all. But because I had these feelings that I wasn't doing enough I kept pushing myself. I really wasn't getting hardly anything done as I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open. Here are 3 tips that I am now using to help combat these feelings: 1.Write down everything that you are going to do for that day. Make a list. I like to use the composition notebooks. Check off everything. Once you do that. Do not add anything by doing something else. 2.Pick what time you work better at. For me, night is not good as I told you before but if you work better at night then go for it. You have to do what's best for you. 3.Turn the computer off! That's right! Walk away from that computer! I know it calls to you but shut it down! I have been feeling so much better since I have been following these tips. They have literally saved my life. Especially, the last one. I swear this computer was calling my name throughout the day. It was driving me crazy! LOL
Do you feel on a regular basis that you aren't doing enough? Does it cause you to work all day long and not get anything else you want to do done? Tell me your story.