You see them all over the internet people who go from one business to another. You swore to yourself that you would never become a network/internet marketing junkie. You found it just completely despicable that people keep contacting you about different network marketing companies or internet marketing programs. You're already in a business you think to yourself. What are these people's problems? Then, slowly but surely it happened to you.

You find yourself looking into different network marketing companies and internet marketing programs. I like that product, you think to yourself or I should get that internet marketing  program. It really doesn't cost that much. I know I will make my money back. Then, off you go to various websites with credit card in hand. By this time you know you have a problem but what can you do to stop it. It's getting really ridiculous because you aren't really making any money yet you have joined these companies and you are on autoship programs and you have bought one internet marketing program one after the other. The bills are piling up but  no money is coming in. You have completely lost your mind.


Does this sound like you or somebody you know? If this does all hope is not lost. There is a cure for this contagious disease. Here are some tips that you can use to help you steer clear and keep you from catching it all together.

You will always see something that you like. You can't join all of them. Before you join a company or buy a program make sure you research it really good. You may also look at other companies and programs. You can compare one with the other. Once you do that write down all the reasons why you like over the other. Then, make a decision and go with and stay with it. This will really help you, because when you do a full research it will help you from thinking I should of joined them or bought this. This is the mentality that got you in trouble the first time. You thinking that someone has something better than what you already have.


Companies upgrade even if they did not start out with something they eventually get it. It's just not a good feeling to leave something because you didn't think they didn't have something and then they end up getting it. You could even make suggestions. Companies love to hear suggestions. It helps them know what their customers want and keep them getting better. Also, it helps to remember all of the reasons you joined the company or bought the program in the first place. If you leave and go to something else the benefits that you were receiving from a certain product or program might not be the same. It's nothing like you think you are upgrading but you end up downgrading.

Another question is are you making any money yet? Why, would you leave something and go to something else when you haven't made any money with what you have? Your full concentration should be your primary business or program. If you can't focus on one how can you focus on another. Learn the ropes with what you are in now before you even think about jumping to something else. Why? Because you are losing both time and money and they are both too precious to lose.

Newer isn't always better. Just because a new company has just started out or a new program is on the market doesn't mean you have to join it. Who knows if it will even make it? What if you leave an established company or program only to find out it didn't make it? Then, you will be starting all over. Who wants to keep starting over and over again? There will always something new coming out. It doesn't mean you have to join it.


The price factor is another common denominator in a junkies life. It doesn't cost that much. Just because it doesn't cost that much doesn't mean you have to purchase it. It just keeps fueling the fire of a junkie. Oh, so you bought that program because the price was good? If that's the only reason you bought it then, you didn't need it in the first place. The question you should be asking yourself is how will it help me or my business? If you can't answer that question then no you don't need it.


This is the number one reason I think people end up becoming junkies. Is they think they will earn fast cash. The promise that they will make money quickly. How quick you earn money depends on your work effort. Joining a company or progam thinking you will hit it big overnight is definitely a big mistake. It will keep the junkie syndrome going on forever. Our aim is to stop it completely. So, never join a company or buy a program thinking you will make fast cash. It's just not going to happen. You will lose money that is all you will do.


It's easy to become a junkie. We are constantly being bombarded with something to buy. If we don't get a handle on it will become a disaster. In the end you will end up with nothing. You want to make money not end up bankrupt. This won't happen if you keep buying but are not doing anything because you are chasing the next big thing.


Did you find this helpful? Have you been a junkie? What was it that help you put an end to this junkie syndrome?

Do you know someone who is a network/internet marketing junkie? Do you think they need help? If you do share this blog post with them or even if you don't know a junkie and you liked it please share it. Thank you!














Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1214 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-03-26 Comments


Getting traffic to your website is very important when it comes to doing internet marketing. I have read internet marketers doing many things when it comes to getting traffic to their websites but also individual affiliate or internet products. I, for one never put all of my eggs in one basket. I stand 100% by that rule. Since, seo has changed it is now more important than ever. I can honestly say I never mastered seo. So, when the rules changed I can't say that it really affected me, because it didn't. I was never following them anyway. I always concentrated on my content. So, when I heard other bloggers say that I could totally relate, because that was my thinking as well.

With that being said, it was still important for me to get traffic to my website. I wanted people to come to my website on their own but I also wanted to bring it to people who don't know it exists. It's a two way street for me. Just like all bloggers/internet marketers I want hits to certain blog posts that I have written and for products that I am promoting. I have read online the differences of ways to get traffic. Some people only praise search engine traffic. Don't get me wrong. That is a great way to get traffic but it's not the only way and as I said before the rules have changed. So, one way of getting traffic is just not practical anymore.

I have also listened to different bloggers/internet marketers say what works and what doesn't work. For a while I took that to heart but not anymore. I have been doing trial and error myself and am finding out what works and doesn't work for me. After all, what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. I also like to have fun in doing marketing and advertising. I like using different promotional tools because I find that it is fun and I get some results. What I have found out is everyone is doing their own thing or leans more towards one way than another.

Traffic also depends on what you are promoting. If you are only blogging and not doing any affiliate or internet marketing then, search engine traffic may be enough for you. However, if you are doing affiliate/internet marketing then it is most definitely not. All bloggers are not internet marketers and all internet marketers are not bloggers. I think it helps to be both but everyone doesn't like to write and there is no point of blogging if you don't like to write. You have to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Otherwise, you just come off as a spam blogger. Who wants to be labeled as that?

You may or may not use these tools and resources and may disagree with the use of them altogether but as I always say you have to do what's best for you. So, there are no hard feelings if you don't use them but on the other hand you may just be on the curious side and want to try them out.

Freeadboards are a great way to get traffic. You can advertise for free but they do have upgrade options they are many times just a one-time fee and that's it. I wrote a blog post about them if you want to find out more about them read,"How Using Freeadboards Can Help You Get Targeted Free Traffic?" This is a great way to get traffic especially for your affiliate/internet marketing products. The sites are easy to use and have so many other tools to use too. They are fun to use.

Listbuilders or Safelists are a great way to get traffic. These too are more for affiliate/internet marketing products. They also have upgrade options. Some offer life time upgrades or monthly fees or both. Just check the upgrade options they will tell you what it costs to upgrade. You have to surf for credits and when you obtain a certain amount you can send out a mailing to all the members yourself. You can also promote the list builder yourself and earn referrals that will be in your downline and you can send out a mailing to them too. So, you can build a list yourself. This is another great way to get traffic. If you would like to know more about building a list and some listbuilders that can help you do that visit my resource page My resource page and go to Mary Anne Meyer sites a lot of her sites allow you to also build a list.

Banner Exchange or Banner advertising sites is another way to get traffic. These networks allow you to advertise your banners. They rotate throughout their network. You can advertise a specific amount of banners. Usually about five and if you want to advertise more you can upgrade. If you want to know more information regarding banner exchange or banner advertising networks read, "4 Great Ways To Advertise Your Banners".

Social media sites are great ways to get traffic to your blogs or websites. When used correctly they can really boost your traffic. People can share your site with potential customers or readers. It is said that they work even better than search engines or on the same scale. Many people are having great results using them. We all know about Twitter and G+ but there are other social sites that you may not have heard of. You can read about them in this blog post called, "4 Social Networks You Might Not Know About And Now You Do So Start Using Them".

I believe it is a must to diversify your traffic. It's never a good idea to have just one way of getting traffic to your websites or blogs. As many people learned when Google made the changes that they made. Who can forget Google's penguins and pandas being unleashed into the world?

What are you doing to diversify your traffic? Have you tried any of the above methods?


Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1879 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-03-19 Comments

The internet is a huge place and there is a lot going on and many things to learn. Have you gotten caught up in the internet marketing whirl wind? Do you think that you are a good business partner or are you someone's worse nightmare? Are you the person that joins a business or internet marketing program and doesn't do anything? If the answer is,"Yes" then, you definitely have a problem. Why, are you joining businesses and not doing anything? There are many reasons why you could be doing this:

  •  You didn't realize how much work you would have to do.
  •  You don't understand the business fully.
  •  You don't have the time.
  •  It's not something that you really want to do.
  •  You need help.
  •  You thought it was going to help your previous business.
  •  You are an internet marketing program or business junkie.
  •  You are not consistent.
  •  The advertising told you, you didn't have to.

When you are learning about internet marketing you must remove easy and not having to work out of your vocabulary. Sadly, many people send the wrong message in their advertising. When you tell people that it is easy and they don't have to do anything that's the kind of people you will attract. People who will not do anything. You are selling a false reality. If people think they are joining a business that they don't have to do anything. You can imagine their surprise when they find out they do. Why? Because they are looking for something that they don't have to do anything. You told them that they didn't in your advertising. Now, they find out that's not true.

Okay, maybe you were a victim of false advertising but, "Come on!" Did you really expect to join a business and not do anything? There is nothing in life where you get paid for doing nothing. Besides, if the business you joined works on getting referrals you are doing an injustice to the person who you joined. There is nothing like having someone signup and then they don't do anything. It's one of the worst feelings to have in the internet marketing world. Even if you aren't in a referral marketing business it's still bad. Because you spent money on something that you are not putting any effort into and you won't see any results.

Before you join a business I suggest you go over all the details. Make sure you understand everything you need to know about it and ask yourself these questions:

  • Will I like doing this?
  • Is this something I think I can do?
  • Do I have the time?
  • Do I have the money to invest in it?
  • Is help easily accessible?
  • Will this help my previous business? (If this is something that could assist it)
  • What ways will I promote this?
  • Do I believe I will make money doing this?
  • Will I be consistent?

This will be really helpful in helping you pick a business that is right for you, because when it's right for you, you will be more likely to succeed in it.

Another reason you are not doing anything is because you are in too many already. Read this blog post,"Do you have Internet Programs Overload?" Something is always going to be something that is promising you can make more money faster or easier. However, you can't join everything. It's important to know what you need and don't need. You will find that blog post very helpful and it can help you cure the internet/network marketing junkie syndrome or prevent you from getting it altogether.

There are so many things that you can do online but you have to find your niche and once you do you have to put time, effort and even some money into it. You can make money but you won't if you don't do anything.

Have you been guilty of signing up for internet businesses or programs and not doing anything? Do you know someone who does? Share this blog post with them. It might be just what they need to read.

Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1240 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-03-12 Comments

We know that being consistent plays a major part in our success. We also know that being consistent is the key but yet sometimes we fail at this most obvious task. It can be hard to keep doing something day in and day out. Doing something over and over again. It gets boring after a while, especially if you don't really like what you're doing. Consistency, and your lack of it can undoubtedly be the reason for your not attaining the success that keeps eluding you.

Most people have been a victim of inconsistency (I know I have). I believe it also has been the culprit of why I wasn't achieving my goals. I can't keep looking back though. I have to look forward and where I want to go. The would've, could've, should've isn't going to solve anything. Why, was I so inconsistent? One of the reasons is I believe I was looking at what someone else was doing and not really focusing on what I should have been doing. That's why I always say now that you have to do what's best for you. I have learned that you have to work with what you have and use the tools that are best for you. I am doing that now, but it has cost me some time. I would have been farther in my blogging/internet marketing had I did that earlier.

I put myself on a schedule. You can read about it here: "How To Schedule Your Time Successfully". This keeps me on my toes and I get a lot of things done no matter what. Inconsistency can creep in as excuses too. So, you have to be on the lookout for that as well. Laziness can also come in the disguise of inconsistency. You can come up with a million times why you can't do something or why you don't feel like doing it. This, is in fact the epitome of inconsistency. If you see it immediately combat it. Just get up and do it and get it done and out of the way. That way even if you really don't enjoy doing it, or don't feel like it's done.

I want to talk about a little bit more about being inconsistent because you feel like you don't have all the tools and resources you think you should have. Is that a reason why you haven't started something or you have been so inconsistent? Or you have been listening to someone tell you that if you don't use  abc or xyz you might as well just throw in the towel? I have also learned that you don't always have to explain why or why not you are using something. If it is working for you then keep doing it and if you find that you want to change later you can always do that. The reason I say this is because those feelings of being inadequate can make you become inconsistent and once you have these feelings it makes it easier for you to keep doing it. The saying,"If you like it I love it" is so relevant, because if you really do people will too.

I'm going to use this as an example. I have been told many times that I should use Wordpress. I don't have anything against Wordpress. I think all the bloggers blogs that use it are very nice and they look very professional. However, I am using Ucoz. Why? Because it is best for me at this moment and on top of it. I really like it. Should I just stop blogging because I am not using Wordpress? Or should I have never started blogging to begin with because I wasn't using Wordpress? I don't think so. The goal is to stop being inconsistent and start being consistent, but that won't happen if you don't get to the root of the problem. So, if you have these feelings or have had these feelings in the past just know that they are really are just problems of being inconsistent. Don't dwell on them and keep moving.

I am truly writing this from experience. I have had big problems with not being consistent. All of the above I have experienced. I'm not one not to admit my problems, because I truly want to rectify them and it won't happen if I don't admit them. The good news is I have gotten better. So, what was the final breaking point for me. I really wasn't achieving my goals. I would start out strong, then little by little I would get less and less done. Also, me being a quiet/introverted person I had to really work on my self confidence. I had to stop taking everything so seriously. People say what they feel they need to say. You can't take it to heart. They may or may not be talking about you. What I've learned is they are really talking about themselves and cover it up like they are talking about someone else. Which many times you think it is you. Having a daily self improvement plan is a must. You will find this blog post,"Easy Self Improvement Tips That You Can Put Into Practice Today" to be helpful.

Doing something over and over and over again can be quite challenging sometimes but I think you know that if you keep at it you will get the results that you desire to have. Slow and steady wins the race.

Have you had problems with being consistent or do you still have them? What was your motivation to stop being inconsistent and start being consistent?

Category: Self-Development | Views: 1476 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-03-05 Comments

Which is better for you network marketing or affiliate marketing? I have been involved with both network marketing and affiliate marketing. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Is one easier than the other? Both involve selling products or services. So, they are equal in that regard. However, for me I think affiliate marketing is a little easier than network marketing. Let's talk about both below:

Network Marketing

The definition of network marketing or multi level marketing is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the salespeople they recruit.

In network marketing you are selling a product or service and you are signing people up to be in your network. Many times you have to be on a monthly autoship for the product or service you are selling. The companies like for you to do this to showcase that you too are using the product. The disadvantage of this is it can be costly. Some people can't afford the monthly bill every month. This has caused many people to end up in debt after a period of time.

You have to be continually generating new leads. These are people you are seeking to join you in your business. This can be a very tedious process. Some people are just not cut out for rejection and after a while they get discouraged. While you can get paid if a person only buys the product you get paid more if the person joins you in the business. It also takes money to make money in network marketing because you have to be on an autoship program yourself. This also helps the company pay for the websites that they supply the members with. Also, you have to buy other marketing materials such as: pamphlets, business, cards and promotional cd's.

It also helps if you signup with a good team leader. This is a person who is not only making money themselves but also helping the people on their team as well. They will be able to help you get started and explain to your team how to bring in and teach people about the business. It is very important that once you join a network marketing company you attend the weekly training calls they have for the members to help them learn the benefits of the products and services and how to promote them.

There is nothing wrong with being in more than one network marketing company but I wouldn't recommend it if you are just starting out. Also, be on the lookout for people jumping from one business to the next. These people are called network marketing junkies. They don't stay in any company long term, they go from one company to the next hoping to make fast cash. Which is really not possible. If you suspect someone of this, it is wise not to signup with them if you are thinking about joining the business. Find someone who is a good team leader who is stable and building their business.

Affiliate Marketing

The definition of affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant, the network, the publisher, and the customer.

In affiliate marketing you too are selling a product or a service for a company. However, in affiliate marketing you don't have to pay to get started. There are usually no products or services you have to buy to get started. You can get started for free. The company gives you banners and text ads to use in your online marketing. All is provided for free. However, if you want to use other methods that cost that is totally up to you but not mandatory.

Some affiliate marketing companies have affiliate managers
. These are people that help you with your marketing. You can ask them questions and they will also provide you with what you need to be successful and let you know about campaigns that you might like to run. Some companies provide you with training as well. You join affiliate marketing companies through affiliate marketing networks such as: Commission Junction, Shareasale, and Linkshare. Some affiliate companies like for you to have a website. While, not mandatory for all you should just check with the company and they will let you know. I know some internet marketers that don't have a website but they have a forum or adboard where they can advertise text links or banners.

If you do not have a website it is not hard to get one started. Website builders are great for building a website and getting online quickly. You can also build one for free and upgrade later on. The upgrade provides you with more features. The learning curve is not hard and the support is usually very helpful. You can also check out online marketing forums as well people in there don't mind lending a helping hand. Some affiliate marketing companies provide pages already built but you would have to pay for hosting and a domain name.


I like network marketing and affiliate marketing. However, I do think it is easier to get started in affiliate marketing because you don't have to pay to get started. This gives you time to learn how to do affiliate marketing without the stress of a bill every month. Thus, it can cut down on added stress if you aren't making a whole lot of money in the beginning. When you do start making money you can put it back into your business. Whether you want to purchase affiliate pages or domain names. Whatever you might want to help you in promoting the products. While, with network marketing you have a monthly autoship that you have to pay whether you are making money or not. You can't really save money because it has to immediately be put back into the business by purchasing the monthly products or services.

Also, with network marketing your success depends on how many people you signup. If you signup productive people who are working the business that helps you make more money. However, if you signup people who aren't working the business that can really be a big problem for you because you won't be getting paid either. It's the trickle down effect. However, with affiliate marketing your success doesn't depend on you signing up people. There are companies that will reward you for bringing in referrals but your overall success doesn't depend on them. If they signup and don't do anything it won't really affect you as long as you are selling the products or services yourself.

As you can see there or both benefits of joining network marketing or affiliate marketing. It just depends on what is better for you. You can be a network/affiliate marketer if you like both and believe that you have the skills and the time.

Are you both a network/affiliate marketer? If so, how is it going? Have you been in a network marketing company in the past? Was the experience good or bad for you? Which do you prefer? Network marketing or affiliate marketing?


Category: Business | Views: 1904 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-02-26 Comments

Twitter Lane
What do you do when you can't tweet your blog posts? You cry, scream and fall to your knees and say, "Why me?" Just kidding. :) I'm not going to lie. I really felt like doing that but we all know that wasn't going to solve anything. My problem was still going to be there regardless. When I first realized that I couldn't tweet my blog posts. I immediately contacted Twitter. They said Ucoz sites were distributing malware and they gave me some sites to look at. Of course, I didn't know anything about those sites.

I then preceded to contact Ucoz. Ucoz said that there were some Ucoz sites that had malware on them and because of that Twitter has blocked all domains from Ucoz because they consider all Ucoz websites as one. So, if you were trying to tweet my blog and you got an error message when you tweeted it and it would not go through this is the reason. Ucoz said they are trying to resolve the problem with Twitter. Just in case you are wondering my blog doesn't have any malware problems. So, it's safe. You can still share my blog posts on Google+ and other social networks. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

So, what am I doing since I can't use Twitter like I used to. However, I just figured out a way that I can tweet my blog post using Triberr. I login into Triberr. Click on your tribe mine is called,"Blogging For Success" grab the url and paste in into the compose area of Twitter. You have just tweeted your blog post. You can see my blog post is at the top. There are downsides to this method though. You must have a tribe at Triberr for this to work and it shows not only your blog post but other members of the tribe as well. Also, people can only retweet the tweet that you tweeted and they can't use any of Twitter's share buttons. You win some and you lose some.:) Join my tribe if you already aren't a member. I would love to have you.

I still always believe in diversifying. You never know what will happen. I am a firm believer of not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Well, I am using the social networks in this blog post that I wrote last year called, "5 Social Networks That You Might Not Know About And Now You Do So Start Using Them". I am also still using and I recently have started using So, all hope is not lost. You should also join the sites in the blog post. If you haven't already joined go ahead and join them too.

I am so happy that I have diversified myself as I never thought this would happen. As I stated above diversification is key. For good reason too. I like Twitter but there are other people using other social sites as well and you will pick up some new friends and followers. Like my favorite blogger Lynn Terry says, "You have to go where your target market is". I admit I wasn't spending as much time at those other social media sites as I probably should have. Now, I have more time to.

Will I still be using Twitter? You bet! I can still tweet my fellow bloggers blogs which I was doing before and will continue to do so. I can still also share other content that I find interesting. It's not the end of the road for me. It's just now been re routed a little bit but the show must go on!

This could happen to anyone. Things happen and your plans get changed but their is always a way if their is a will. I will let you all know when the problem with Twitter gets resolved. I will send out a tweet and post it on my Google+ profile. I just wanted to let you all know what was going on.

If this happens to you which I hope it never does. I hope that this will be helpful for you.

Category: Blogging | Views: 1476 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-02-20 Comments

I love Affiliate Bot! I know there are many other affiliate networks but this is a really good one. I feel that it makes it easy for you to make money with them. I also see a lot of different affiliate programs that I haven't seen in other affiliate marketing networks. Also, I had no problems joining Affiliate Bot's network. I was accepted easily into it. The navigation of the site is very easy. It's easy to get the links and banners you want to promote. They also have a datafeed page where you can get the code of an individual product.

I, myself am an affiliate with Affiliate Bot. If you are looking for an awesome affiliate network to join. Join me and become an affiliate with Affiliate Bot.

P.S. You will be signing up through my affiliate link.




Category: Affiliate Marketing | Views: 1476 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-02-13 Comments

"Seriously, dude, can we put the air guitar aside while we're lurking?" - New Yorker Cartoon

"Seriously, dude,...
Jack  Ziegler
Buy This at

Do you visit blogs and never anything? Then, you are a blog lurker. A blog lurker is someone that visits blogs but the blogger doesn't know that they exist. They never get in on the conversation. There may be many reasons for this: They don't have a blog of their own. They don't know what to say. They don't know anything about the topic. They are in the process of learning. Or they are just observing. It's nothing wrong with being a blog lurker. I have been one myself.

Naturally, I am a quiet person so many times if I don't say anything I just don't have anything to say. But boy when I do (LOL)!It does make it easier to get in on the conversation if you are one of the first people to comment especially, if you are commenting on a popular blog. But you have to be moving extremely fast. Here you don't have to worry about that problem. At least not yet anyway. :)

Blog lurking can sometimes be fun. You can get to know people before they get to know you. Especially, if you have been reading a blog for a certain amount of time. You get to know the blogger and it's readers. Many times the blogger has what you call regular commenters. These are people who comment regularly. You can also take your time and read the blog posts. So, when you do decide to get in on the conversation you will actually have something to say.

However, there can also be a downside to blog lurking. People don't know you exist. You never participate or ask questions. You never voice your opinion. No one knows who you are. You are just an invisible person that reads blogs but no one knows you. It can be a very lonely world to live in.

I must admit once I stopped blog lurking and started  participating it was a lot more fun! Also, I was able to get some of my questions answered. If you are a blog lurker here at Money To Be Made. I want to hear from you! I really enjoy hearing from my readers. I don't get a lot of comments but when I do I love reading them! If you would like to get in on the conversation. Join the Money To Be Made Community! I'm still in the process of growing it but I would love to see you there! Also, I would really appreciate you if you would take this survey asking, "What Kind Of Information Would You Like To See on the Money To Be Made Blog?" It would be extremely helpful to me. Thanks in advance!

I hope I was able to encourage you to get in on the conversation. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Category: Blogging | Views: 1194 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-02-05 Comments

I have noticed that some bloggers are removing the dates from their blogs. I don't think that is a good practice and I am going to tell you why. I, myself like to know when a blog post has been written. I know on my own blog it helps me find posts that I might want to re-share. Also, I want to know when I wrote that blog post. I just like the idea of remembering when I have wrote something. It's nothing like not knowing when you wrote something. It simply drives me crazy. I'm sure it drives you crazy too, when you can't remember when you wrote something as well.

This is also a question that I have seen many bloggers asking. So, I thought I would address it. When you don't post the dates on your blog it makes you look shady. It seems as if you are trying to hide something. We as bloggers don't want to give the impression that we are trying to hide something. It just doesn't make you us look good. I know one reason some bloggers give for not showing the dates on their blogs is they don't want people to feel like the information on their blogs is outdated. They figure if they don't show the dates their blog posts will be timeless. It's not true. Trust me. I can tell whether the information you have wrote is outdated even if you decide not to show the dates and other people can too. You're not hiding anything. The information online is always being updated and it doesn't take a second to find it. Besides, just because a blog post is old doesn't make it irrelevant. There are many things that never change and good advice is one of them.

Knowing the dates also gives the blogger credibility. You can see how long he or she has been blogging. It's nice to know, and it can even be encouraging for you to know especially, if you are a new blogger. You think to yourself. This blogger has been blogging for quite a while and he or she has been successful. I see no reason why I can't either. It gives you the motivation to keep going. Don't we all need that?

If people can't see the dates on your blog. They don't know if your site is active or not. No dates means I don't know if you have written that blog post in 2014 are in 2009. Who wants their blog to look inactive? If people assume it is they won't keep coming back. Thus, losing readers. It's something that we as bloggers just don't want.

Even if you hide the dates on your blog they can still be discovered. How? The comments on your blogs are still dated. They can see the the month and the year. Maybe not the exact date but you still get a pretty good idea. :)

I hope that I have convinced you of the reasons why you should keep the dates on your blog.

Are you choosing to do this? If so, why? What do you think about this practice? Let me know in the comments below.

Category: Blogging | Views: 1540 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-01-29 Comments

I have put together a list of men bloggers. I was asked was there going to be one for the men:) and I said,"Sure, why not." These are some excellent men bloggers. Plus, I didn't want the men to feel left out.:) I enjoy reading their blogs too. You will really enjoy reading their blogs too. They are some very good writers as well. If you are looking to learn more about the blogging/internet marketing topic you will find these bloggers can help you with that. Some of them you may have heard of and some of them you may not.

Please visit their blogs and subscribe to their rss feeds so you don't miss any of their updates. Also, connect with them on the social networks. I am sure there are many more that I don't know. That's where you come into play. If you know someone please add them to the list. I would like their topics to be about blogging/internet marketing. They can have other topics but blogging and internet marketing must be included. I would like the blogs to abide by these guidelines:

  •  The blogs must be men bloggers.
  •  The topic of the blogs should be about blogging and internet marketing. However, if the blog has more than one topic blogging or internet marketing should be one of them.
  • The blogs should be updated. No vacant blogs please.:)
  • Share this list.


Category: Blogging | Views: 2256 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-01-20 Comments

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