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Are You Diversifying Your Website Traffic?


Getting traffic to your website is very important when it comes to doing internet marketing. I have read internet marketers doing many things when it comes to getting traffic to their websites but also individual affiliate or internet products. I, for one never put all of my eggs in one basket. I stand 100% by that rule. Since, seo has changed it is now more important than ever. I can honestly say I never mastered seo. So, when the rules changed I can't say that it really affected me, because it didn't. I was never following them anyway. I always concentrated on my content. So, when I heard other bloggers say that I could totally relate, because that was my thinking as well.

With that being said, it was still important for me to get traffic to my website. I wanted people to come to my website on their own but I also wanted to bring it to people who don't know it exists. It's a two way street for me. Just like all bloggers/internet marketers I want hits to certain blog posts that I have written and for products that I am promoting. I have read online the differences of ways to get traffic. Some people only praise search engine traffic. Don't get me wrong. That is a great way to get traffic but it's not the only way and as I said before the rules have changed. So, one way of getting traffic is just not practical anymore.

I have also listened to different bloggers/internet marketers say what works and what doesn't work. For a while I took that to heart but not anymore. I have been doing trial and error myself and am finding out what works and doesn't work for me. After all, what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. I also like to have fun in doing marketing and advertising. I like using different promotional tools because I find that it is fun and I get some results. What I have found out is everyone is doing their own thing or leans more towards one way than another.

Traffic also depends on what you are promoting. If you are only blogging and not doing any affiliate or internet marketing then, search engine traffic may be enough for you. However, if you are doing affiliate/internet marketing then it is most definitely not. All bloggers are not internet marketers and all internet marketers are not bloggers. I think it helps to be both but everyone doesn't like to write and there is no point of blogging if you don't like to write. You have to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Otherwise, you just come off as a spam blogger. Who wants to be labeled as that?

You may or may not use these tools and resources and may disagree with the use of them altogether but as I always say you have to do what's best for you. So, there are no hard feelings if you don't use them but on the other hand you may just be on the curious side and want to try them out.

Freeadboards are a great way to get traffic. You can advertise for free but they do have upgrade options they are many times just a one-time fee and that's it. I wrote a blog post about them if you want to find out more about them read,"How Using Freeadboards Can Help You Get Targeted Free Traffic?" This is a great way to get traffic especially for your affiliate/internet marketing products. The sites are easy to use and have so many other tools to use too. They are fun to use.

Listbuilders or Safelists are a great way to get traffic. These too are more for affiliate/internet marketing products. They also have upgrade options. Some offer life time upgrades or monthly fees or both. Just check the upgrade options they will tell you what it costs to upgrade. You have to surf for credits and when you obtain a certain amount you can send out a mailing to all the members yourself. You can also promote the list builder yourself and earn referrals that will be in your downline and you can send out a mailing to them too. So, you can build a list yourself. This is another great way to get traffic. If you would like to know more about building a list and some listbuilders that can help you do that visit my resource page My resource page and go to Mary Anne Meyer sites a lot of her sites allow you to also build a list.

Banner Exchange or Banner advertising sites is another way to get traffic. These networks allow you to advertise your banners. They rotate throughout their network. You can advertise a specific amount of banners. Usually about five and if you want to advertise more you can upgrade. If you want to know more information regarding banner exchange or banner advertising networks read, "4 Great Ways To Advertise Your Banners".

Social media sites are great ways to get traffic to your blogs or websites. When used correctly they can really boost your traffic. People can share your site with potential customers or readers. It is said that they work even better than search engines or on the same scale. Many people are having great results using them. We all know about Twitter and G+ but there are other social sites that you may not have heard of. You can read about them in this blog post called, "4 Social Networks You Might Not Know About And Now You Do So Start Using Them".

I believe it is a must to diversify your traffic. It's never a good idea to have just one way of getting traffic to your websites or blogs. As many people learned when Google made the changes that they made. Who can forget Google's penguins and pandas being unleashed into the world?

What are you doing to diversify your traffic? Have you tried any of the above methods?


Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 1914 | Added by: Maketta | Rating: 0.0/0