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Be Prepared Avoid Business Conflicts

Are you a blogger who offers a service? Are you a freelancer or a consultant? When you offer any kind of service it is very important that you spell out what the customer expects from you and what you expect from the customer. Doing so, makes sure everything goes smoothly and there are no conflicts. I know that you have read horror stories of people not satisfied or they thought that they should of received more than what they initially presented. So, it's very important to cover all bases when you offer your services.


This way, you have in writing what will be done and no one will be confused. People who provide a service should have in writing what is expected in their contracts. Here is a list of people who would benefit from having a independent business contract:


  • A blogger who offers any kind of service
  • A virtual assistant
  • A freelancer
  • A consultant
  • A web designer
  • A life coach
  • A social media manager


What kind of contract would be beneficial for a person who works for his or herself that provides a product or a service for a customer in exchange for monetary compensation?

An Independent Contractor Agreement is a contract that would spell out all the terms of the working arrangement between a contractor and a customer, including the services provided; terms and length of the project or service; payment details; and confidentiality; non-solicitation; and dispute resolutions. 


As an Independent Contractor you can make up a contract that fits your business needs. You can do it yourself making sure that it is a good fit for you and your customer. To easily do it yourself Click Here.


Here is a list of people who would greatly benefit from a consulting contract:

  • A marketing consultant
  • A health consultant
  • A educational consultant
  • A sales consultant 
  • A human resource consultant 
  • A business transformation consultant



What kind of contract would be beneficial for a consultant also referred to as freelance contractor, is a business or individual that that provides professional services or advice to a client or company in exchange for compensation. A consultant generally specializes in a particular area or industry, such as marketing, human resources, engineering, etc?  


A  Consulting Agreement would be beneficial because it is an agreement that is a written contract outlining the terms of a given service between a consultant and a client.

If you are a consultant:

  • You should use the contract before rendering any services to another individual, business or organization in exchange for monetary compensation.

If you are a customer:

  • You should use a Consulting Agreement when hiring a consultant to perform any service for you or your business.


As a consultant or a customer you can make up a consulting contract that is good for the both of you. To easily do it yourself Click Here.


What kind of contract would be beneficial for someone who wants to go into business with someone as a partner?


A partnership agreement would be beneficial because it is an agreement contract between two or more business partners that is used to establish the responsibilities, and profit and loss distribution of each partner, as well as other rules about the general partnership.


As business owner who wants to go into business with one or more people you can make up a contract that fits your business needs. You can do it yourself making sure that it is a good fit for you and your partners. To easily do it yourself Click Here.



This way you will be prepared and avoid any kind of conflict. There is nothing like smoothly running a business and having a peace of mind.


Category: Business | Views: 4957 | Added by: Maketta | Rating: 5.0/1