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Why You Need To Learn HTML
Learning html is really an asset when you are blogging or doing internet marketing. I remember when I didn't know what html really was. Back then, when I would make my signature at different forums mine were not clickable. Why weren't my links clickable? I wanted to know. I also knew that people were not going to take the time to look at my links if they were not clickable. Who is really going to take the time to copy and paste the url in the location box? I will do it if I really want to see what the website is about. However, I know the majority will not. That sent me on a quest to learn how to use html.

Why learn html if you can use the wysiwyg editor?

I use the wysiwyg editor too. You can still use it. However, when you are editing pictures or different affliate links. For instance, you are writing a review of a book on Amazon. If you are an Amazon affiliate you know that they give you clickable links to use. However, you may want to make an image bigger and clickable or maybe you just want the cover of the image and not the price included. That's when knowing
html really comes in handy. I just recently had to right align a banner on this website. I couldn't use the wysiwyg editor because I was in the html source. So, I had to use html. It turned out great by the way.

I'm not tech savvy can I really learn how to use html?

Once you get the hang of it, it's really not that hard. Don't be scared to try. Another one of my motivations to learn html was because I wanted to do things myself. I didn't want to have to go to the forums and wait for help. I wanted to do it immediately. I have made numerous mistakes. The thing about html is if you make one mistake it won't work. So, make sure you look over your code before you save it. Many times I was wondering why it wasn't working and that was the reason. The code was not typed correctly.

Is it really necessary to learn html?

I think it is especially if you are a blogger or internet marketer. Many times you have to get under the hood. If you want to use different plugins or widgets to your website or blog it's important for you to know how to use it and be familiar with the html code language. When you use plugins or widgets the instructions are usually very clear but if you have no knowledge of html it can make it difficult. It's just best to know some html.

What method can you describe that will make it easy for me to learn html?

Learn as you go. That is exactly how I learned. When I wanted to make text clickable. I started with that. Then, I decided I wanted to make an image clickable. I graduated to that. This way you can learn slowly and take your time with it. By taking it step by step it will be easier for you to learn and you won't get frustrated.

I'm having a hard time making my images clickable is there an easier way?

When I first started learning html. My biggest problem was making images clickable. I just wasn't getting it but at the same time I needed for my images to be clickabe. I finally learned but in the mean time I found this way much easier. I wrote a blog post about the video that I made. It's called,"How To Make An Image Clickable Using Photobucket".

What sources are there for me to learn html?

I have found these websites very helpful in learning html. They are: http://www.w3schools.com and http://www.davesite.com/webstation/html/.

As you can see it's really not that hard to learn html and once you learn it you will be able to do a lot more with your websites or blogs. It makes internet marketing and blogging experience and editing your websites much easier and the way you would like them to be.

Category: Blogging | Views: 2749 | Added by: Maketta | Rating: 0.0/0