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I love blogging and it has so many benefits. Today I wanted to share 10 things that blogging helped me conquer:

1. Hesitation

I used to worry about if people would like what I wrote or not and that would cause me to feel bad but once I started blogging that all went away. Blogging taught me that you just have to say it or write it and not be hesitant. I learned that I was worrying over nothing. The worst that could happen is someone wouldn't like it but what if someone did.

2. To come out of my comfort zone.

I must admit that blogging has definitely helped me come out of my comfort zone. I can't be shy I have to get this blog out to the world by promoting it. That has definitely help me get out of my comfort zone.

3. To be more social.

I am not always a social person but blogging has taught me I have to get out there. I have to interact with other bloggers by sharing and interacting with other bloggers. It has definitely helped me become more social.

4. To be myself.

This is my blog and I feel really comfortable here. Blogging has helped me just be myself and not to worry about what people think. If they like my blog they will read it and if they don't they won't (hopefully people will like it though:). Plus, I can't be anyone but myself because I can't be anyone else but me. No worry and no stress.

5. I have the ability to help people.

Blogging has taught me that I can help people. I love sharing what I have learned and am learning. Blogging gives me the ability to help people all over the world and I absolutely love it!

6. To be persistent.

Blogging has taught me I have to be persistent. I have to keep this blog updated on a regular basis. It really helps me keep going. I can't give up.

7. I don't have to be perfect.

Blogging has taught me that you don't have to be perfect. Sure, I will make mistakes because no human being is perfect. Perfection only belongs to Allah (God). I don't sweat the small stuff. If I make some grammatical errors I will fix them. Trust me. I have. Someone told me about them. I was grateful because I went back and corrected the mistakes.

8. Many people share my views.

Since, I started blogging I have seen many people share the same views as me. I have read other bloggers blogs and I thought to myself. Wow! I was just thinking the same thing and I could of wrote that. We really should focus on the things we have in common instead of the things we don't.

9. I can write what I feel.

Blogging has taught me just to write what I feel. I noticed too that those are the blog posts that people seem to like more. When you are truly feeling something you write better about it.

10. To put things into practice.

Blogging has taught me to put the things that I learn into practice. If I wouldn't have actually utilized the things that I am learning I wouldn't be able to keep them let alone share them.

What are somethings that blogging has helped you conquer? If so, what are they?

Category: Blogging | Views: 1596 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-11-05 Comments