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As we all know blogging isn't just about writing. It's way more it to it than that. After you publish you're blog post you have to get traffic to it. That's where the challenge is. It wasn't long ago that all you had to do was write a blog post. However, those days are long gone. There are so many things that you need to do and it doesn't matter what kind of niche that you are in. The same rules apply.


If you're a blogger it is very important that you learn internet marketing. Why? Because you will be marketing on the internet. Bloggers are usually, internet marketers, network marketers and affiliate marketers all rolled up in one. They are usually promoting something else other than just writing for their blogs. The blog is usually the home front for other businesses.


If you do not know anything about internet marketing then, it will be hard for you to be successful with your blog. Traffic, social media, seo are all things that you need to know about when you are blogging. I know some people think that if they are not in the internet marketing niche then they don't have to worry about internet marketing. Yes, you do because all the fundamentals of internet marketing come into play when you are blogging.


I remember when I first started my natural health blog. I was looking all over trying to find information about how to get traffic to it. That's one of the reasons, I started this blog. The more I learned the more it led me to internet marketing. I knew I had to learn internet marketing if my blog was to have any kind of chance of  being successful.


You're blog cannot and will not be successful if you do not learn internet marketing. So, how do you learn about internet marketing. You can read internet marketing blogs. Visit and participate in internet marketing groups and some blogging groups and communities. Also, read "Subscribing To Website Magazine Is Extremely Important To Your Web Success." This is extremely vital for the newbie but it is also vital for the veteran blogger to stay updated as well.


I like to say that all bloggers are internet marketers even though all internet marketers are not bloggers. If you are new to internet marketing you can also start with reading this blog and even if you are not new it will help you to stay updated.


Do you consider yourself to be a blogger/internet marketer or you never really thought about it? Did you find this blog post to be helpful? If so please share it. Thanks in advance!



Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 2100 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-08-01 Comments