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When your visitors come to your blog you want them to know what to expect. Right? You tell them what they will find, what you have to offer and how to find it. However, does your blog say what it's not about? I believe this is very important aspect that I think many people leave out. This cuts down on a lot of confusion. For instance, this blog is about bloggiing tips, making money online, and work from home. You can find many things about internet marketing too. Sometimes, there is a certain audience that comes with that. People who are looking to do nothing at all. These are people who are looking to make a quick buck. These are not the people I want as an audience. See in the picture below of my blog/site as I tell who my site is not for:





Another example would be if you are a seamstress and you have a sewing blog. You won't accept clients that don't want to pay for certain projects. You will tell them upfront on your blog that projects that require a lot of work have to be charged accordingly and if they don't want to pay then, they will have to find someone else for their sewing project. This cuts down on a lot of confusion and headaches. This way you are not wasting time and you have more time for the people who you want as clients instead of the people you don't. People can make a decision right then and there if they want to do business with you or if they want to stay and look around your site.


You don't have to say a whole lot. You can keep it simple and straight to the point. I highlighted the words in the example on my own site so you could see that it wasn't wordy or lengthy. However, it was very clear on what you will not be getting when you come to my site. The reason why I think this is so important is because you want the people who visit your site to know that they will be getting good content. Especially, more so because there is a whole lot of not good content online. This way, it makes it easier for the right people to find you. No one wants to waste their time. I think it's just as important for your site to say what it doesn't offer as much as it does.


Maybe you are not really sure on what your blog is not about. One way to find out is if you get repeated emails or questions on social media asking for certain things that your blog is not about. Another example would be if you offer services and people keep asking do you offer these particular services for free. You can tell them that these particular services are not free and you will let them know if and when you decide to offer something for free.


We want our visitors to be happy and to know what they will be getting but also know what they won't be getting.






Category: Blogging | Views: 1986 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-09-25 Comments