Home » 2014 » December » 28

A new year is about to begin in a few more days. 2014 is almost over. Can you believe it? Wow! This year sure has went by fast. A lot of things happened in the blogsphere this year. Guest posting was given a bad name. Squidoo shutdown. Social media has really taken off. Forums don't seem to be as active as they once were. I wonder what this new year will bring. Hopefully, Google doesn't come out with anymore Pandas and Penguins. They probably will but I can dream. Can't I? (LOL)


I have learned a lot in 2014. I am learning how to work with Canva more. The image in this blog post was made with it. I want to get better with using it. Who would of thought I would designing images? I still have a long way but at least I have started. I can only get better. Yeah, I'm bragging a little bit. Don't spoil my joy. (LOL) However, I still have a lot to conquer. So many things that I want to learn to do. I am still learning, because it never stops. Don't worry, whatever I learn I will be sharing it with you. In fact, I just learned something new. Look for it in an up and coming blog post.


I'm not making a new year's resolution because I carry the same mentality that I had last year and the year after that. I already know what I have to do and what I want to do. I just check what I have already achieved off the list as I go. Just in case you're wondering. It's all good. I have so much to do. My plate is so full it's not even funny. That's why I haven't been writing in my blog as of late but I will be getting back on track. I just want to apologize if you have been reading my blog and expecting a new blog post. I hope that you went and read some of my older blog posts if you are a newcomer to my blog.


I am really looking forward to this new year. Hopefully, it will be better than the last. Not that 2014 was bad for me, because it wasn't. I just want to accomplish more of my goals so that I can check more off of that list. I can honestly say that I have been more positive lately. Which is something that I am still working on. I go and re-read my favorite self-improvement book that I keep as a reference. It has been so helpful to me. Self-improvement is something that I work on everyday. It is an essential part of my life.


I really want to make this blog better. I had asked this question before but I didn't get a lot of answers. Can you do me a favor and go and take this survey by answering this question for me? Is this blog helpful?  It will be a great help for me to provide content that you would like to read. Thanks in advance! I really appreciate it.


What will you miss about 2014? With the upcoming new year. What goals would you like to achieve? What are somethings that you didn't get to achieve in the past year and would like to? Do you think that your blog became better or worse? I would love to know what you think in the comments below.





Category: Blogging | Views: 1782 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-12-28 Comments