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The number one thing that we as bloggers continue to ask ourselves is,"How can we communicate with our audience better? What can we do better to make this happen?" Having a chat on your blog is a great way to better communicate with your readers. Who doesn't like to have a question answered right then and there? Versus having to wait 24 hours or a day or two to. It's on site communication right there and right now.


It's also a way to bring the conversation right at your door-step. You can even hosts chats right on your blog instead, of figuring where you will have it at. This will be very convenient for you and your audience. You won't have to figure out a place to have it and they will know exactly where to come. This will cut down on confusion and time restraints. I will now mention 4 live chats that will allow you to do this below:



Has a live chat button you can put right on your blog or website. It lets your audience know when you are online to chat. This is listed in their suite of tools you can use.



You can drop their one-inline install code into your site or app to to enable real-time social interaction. You can hosts chats right on your site. It's simple and easy.



With Mylivechat you can engage your audience helping you to get more leads. Once installed you will see a popup asking your reader would they like to chat. A nice an unobtrusive way of communicating with your visitor. It also lets you know what page they are on so you can start chatting with them.



With Customer 360 you can do video chats and can be enabled to interact with your customers through the mobile app. You can also do screen share for quicker support.


I have given you 4 live chats to make it easy for you to communicate with your audience. This is another way to find out what your audience wants so that you can provide the content that they want to read. Did you think that I was going to share this information and not implement it myself? Of course not. I have just added a chat on my site as well.


The name of the game is being able to help our audience as best as we can. This is a great way to do so. Happy chatting!










Category: Blogging | Views: 2246 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2016-03-01 Comments