Have you ever accidentally deleted a blog post? If you have you know how frustrating it can be. Especially, if it is a blog post that was popular with your readers. There is no need to go into panic mode. You can immediately go get it and copy and paste it right back into your blog. Triberr can help you do this. If you are not a member of Triberr I suggest you become one. It keeps all of your blog post in your, "My Posts" stream. This way you can retrieve and share them whenever you want to.
When you login to your Triberr account you will automatically see your stream. At the top you will see, "New Posts" click the downward arrow. Then you will see, "My Posts" click that and all of your blog post will come up. As you can see below in the picture of all of my previous blog posts that were written.

Now, if your blog post has been deleted you won't be able to click the url from your blog post to retrieve it. What you will have to do is click the arrow in the right corner of the square of your blog post in your Triberr My Post stream. Then, you will see, "Edit Post". Below it takes you to edit your blog post in your, "My Posts" stream. Below you are now in the edit format and can edit your blog post.

Instead of editing it you will retrieve your blog post by copying and pasting it into a new blog post. This is how you retrieve your blog post if you accidentally delete it. This is wonderful. This has saved me on numerous occasions. I had tried to retrieve my old blog post from other sources but it would only give me a certain amount. They were not saved like they are in Triberr in their own personal stream.
So, the next time you accidentally delete it do not panic. Go straight to Triberr and retrieve it. If you found this to be helpful please share.