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11 Ways To Get Good Referrals For Your Downline Or Affiliate Programs
When you become an affiliate you are always given the opportunity to signup other affliates. Most affiliate and downline programs offer you this option. Why? Whoever signs up the most  affiliates or referrals makes the most money. These people have joined you in the same affiliate or downline program and will be promoting the same thing that you are promoting. You will get a percentage of the money they make. So, when they do good you do good and when they do bad you do bad. Many people have problems getting their affiliates or referrals to work the programs. The free affiliate programs are the best ones to join, because they don't have to pay to get started. It gives your affiliates to understand what they will be doing without them losing any money in the process.

How do you get your affiliates and referrals to make money so that you can also make some money? I know that you have experienced people signing up with you but that's all they do. They don't do anything after the signup process. Some affiliate or referral programs allow you to contact the people who have signed up with you. Here are somethings you can do to get your affiliates or referrals moving:

1. Welcome them and make sure they know what they should do.

2. Ask for people who are serious about making an income online in your advertising.

3. Make sure you are targeting the right people by putting your advertising in the right categories.

4. Make sure they can contact you if they need any help.

5. Be a good example by working the program yourself.

6. If you are using a tool or technique that is helping you share it with them.

7. Do not spam your affiliates or referrals with other programs that you are in.

8. Have a blog or website a person can come to if they are interested in signing up with you.

9. Make sure they know that they will have to make some effort on their part. (Not thinking that they won't have to do anything.

10. Continue to bring in new signups for your affiliate or referral programs.

11. Don't give up.

These are some good ways to help you get good people to join you in your affiliate or referral programs to work the programs themselves. There are many tools that you can use to help you with your advertising efforts. Seo, listbuilders, freeadboards, and social networks to help you continually bring in people for your affiliate or referral programs. Affiliate marketing is a business because you are selling a product. So, there is going to involve some effort on your part. Don't get discouraged if people signup and don't do anything else afterwards, because it is going to happen. Some people are looking for ways to make money online without doing anything. It has nothing to do with you. That's why I stated number eleven don't give up. Just keep on going, because you will get good affiliates. They are out there and you will find them.

Category: Affiliate Marketing | Views: 1178 | Added by: Maketta | Rating: 0.0/0