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LinkReferral is a review marketing website. You review other members websites and blogs. You should login everyday and review 5 websites. You can also view other members sites (30 a day) and you receive credit that encourages more overall traffic and a sense of community for everyone. When you write helpful reviews it really helps people improve their sites. Also, your review will be graded. You will get an A, B, C, D, or F grade depending of the quality of your review and it is also a ranking factor. You also get credits for posting a question or comment in the forum. You can also add all the sites you like to your favorites. That way you can keep up with them. LinkReferral also offers an upgraded membership. They have different options for different services. For the Premium membership is a one-time fee of $50.00. Search results advertising is $35.00/month,Sponsor advertising is $25.00 a month and Featured advertising is $80.00/30 days.

You can earn money with LinkReferral but you have to upgrade. They also have an adnetwork where you can display ads on your site. You can also display the reviews that you have received on your site as well. You can register more than one account but you have to register each one separately as a new account. Once you join LinkReferral your site is automatically added to the directory. They also have a directory search feature where you can search for the kind of sites you are looking for.

Benefits of Joining LinkReferral








  • You get traffic
  • Your site gets added in the member's directory
  • You can search the site
  • Participate in the forum
  • You help people improve their sites
  • You can earn money
  • Your site is indexed in the search engines
  • You find other blogs and websites you may like
  • You don't have to pay for traffic










As you can see there are benefits in joining Linkreferral I can honestly say that I have received some really helpful feedback. You may have noticed the improvements that have taken place here at Money To Be Made and that is exactly why I made those improvements. I'm grateful and thankful because I want my site to be the best it can be. Sometimes, you may not get helpful feedback but don't be discouraged because there are going to be people who abuse good things. However, what you do is you leave quality and helpful feedback. If it's more people leaving quality feedback then, the good will outweigh the bad. I also have found some good blogs and websites from this site. Remember, the site work if you utilize it. If you don't participate then you won't see results. That is just plain old common sense. So, try to login in everyday if possible and review sites.

I also feel a sense of community from both of this site. I can go there and interact and help people. If I know something I share it and also I learn from other's. I have found many helpful websites from visiting other people's sites. There is always something to learn. This is another way you can be social. You can add these two sites to your social media list. They always say if you help enough people get what they want you can get what you want. LinkReferral is a perfect example of that.






Category: Internet Marketing | Views: 2128 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-05-12 Comments