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It can be devastating news when you apply for an affiliate program, only to find out that you have been denied. Sometimes affiliate programs will deny you if they feel that  your site is not the right fit for what they are selling. For instance, your site might be about getting rid of debt but you apply for a flowers affiliate program. You can see why they might deny you. However, there are reasons why you don't understand why they have denied you.

If you have more than one site make sure the site that you are going to represent the affiliate program with is the one that they see. You can select the site's url in a menu list for your sites. Make sure that is selected. This could be the reason that they have denied you in the first place, because you have site selected for their affiliate program. This is an easy mistake to make but it can cost you to be denied for affiliate programs that you have applied for.

What To Do If You Have Already Been Denied?

Just because you have been denied doesn't mean that it can't be overturned. Go to the advertisers site in your affiliate networks account and click on it. There you will see an email and the affiliate managers name. Email him or her and explain your situation. Tell them that you really would like to join their affiliate program and the reason why you think that you have been denied is because they think that your site wouldn't be a good fit for their affiliate program. Explain to them that this is not the case. Send them your blog or website's url so that they can see what your site looks like and the details of it. Make sure that you include your accounts number in the email. It is usually at the top of the page and is a 7 digit number. They need this number to approve you into their affiliate program and it really cuts down on the time and they won't have to email you again and ask you for it.

Tell them that you are sorry for the misunderstanding and that you are really looking forward to working with them and you hope to be an affiliate for them very soon. Usually, in less than a week you will hear from them. I have done this myself on more than one occasion and needless to say I always get approved for the affiliate program that I was denied for. I was denied for Zappo's and Ebags as you can see why because they thought this site wasn't a good fit for their affiliate program. It isn't, but I wanted to join their affiliate program for my other site where I talked about handbags.

So, if you do get denied don't accept that it is forever. I started doing this because there were affiliate programs that I really wanted to join and I couldn't find a whole lot of alternatives for them (trust me I looked). So, being denied wasn't an option. Luckily, it all worked out. If you do this and they don't overturn it don't sweat it. In life you win some and you lose some.

Have you ever been denied when you applied for an affiliate program? What did you do about it? If so how many times did you apply? I would really like to know what you did and how did it effect your online marketing? Please leave your comments below. I really look forward to reading them.


Category: Affiliate Marketing | Views: 1961 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2013-05-30 Comments