Home » 2014 » April » 16

Blogging and internet marketing is our business. Many people still don't understand it. It can be hard and frustrating to explain it to friends and family members, because they don't think that you can make a living online. What I have found is that people who consider themselves technically advanced don't have a clue about online marketing. That's why it is so important to hang out with people who also are doing online marketing. If you are not connecting with people who do what you do then, you might be in jeopardy of quitting altogether and nobody wants that.


In the beginning you may even have doubts yourself. So, it's extremely important that you are surrounding yourself with people who are also doing the same thing that you are doing. As much as you love your friends and family members you cannot just keep their company all the time if they are not encouraging you. I'm not telling you to break ties. I'm just saying you have to also connect with other people. Have a circle of people that you are in contact with that will help you and encourage you in your online marketing endeavors. If you don't your self-esteem will go down and we all know that when you are trying to accomplish something you have to feel good about it or it's no point of you doing it.


Even if, you cannot connect with people personally you can do it online. I always say that my support system has been online. These are people who are doing what I am doing. They understand everything that you are going through. They also know what it takes to be successful online. I have learned a lot from them. They keep me inspired and help me to keep plugging ahead. It also helps me keep the negativity at bay. This is something that we have to fight daily at least until we get where we want to go and even after we attain it. Why is this so hard? Many people see working online as not having a real job. This is so not true. For some, this is their sole income but they have worked very hard for it to be that way. For others, it fits in the multiple streams of income category. They are doing other things also. That's one of the good things about working online you can do more than one thing if you choose to do so.


I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook. That's where many of my family and friends are. What I found out quickly was they were not interested in what I am doing. I do still go there but I don't spend as much time as I used to. I decided that time could be spent more on my business. I was wasting a lot of time. I needed to be around people who liked doing what I am doing or who are interested in learning more about it. Perhaps, I could help someone else out. I am no online marketing guru. In fact, I am still learning myself but I like sharing what I already know and what I am still learning.


You will feel much better. I know that I do since I have surrounded myself with people who are also blogging and doing online marketing. My positivity levels are much higher and the belief in myself has gotten much better. If you are having any doubts about if you can do this. Just know that you can and you will. Even if you haven't been able to achieve everything that you want to do. As there are no secrets and you can probably see for yourself that I haven't gotten everything that I need to get for this blog but it is my intention to do so. I have somethings that I need to take care of first before doing so.

I would like to share some places where you can get good advice, encouragement and also connect with other blogger/internet marketers:




Cash With A Conscience


Social Communities




G+ Communities

Money To Be Made

Relationship Marketing

Zero Links Blogging Discussion





As you can see this is so important and very vital to your success. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people? Do you have stories when you weren't? What was your turning point?













Category: Business | Views: 1558 | Added by: Maketta | Date: 2014-04-16 Comments